Remove Mapping of an Element

Remove Mapping of an Element

You can remove mapping associated with a particular element. 

Steps to remove mapping of a particular element

  1. Ensure that all the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Right-click the target element whose mapping you want to remove and select the Remove Mappings option.
  3. The Remove Options window is displayed (see Figure 473).

    Figure 473: Remove Options (Particular Element)

    This screen displays a list of properties and variables associated with the selected element that can be removed with the mapping.

    Only the Remove Mapping is displayed as always enabled. The other options are enabled only if they have been defined for the particular element.

  4. Select the checkbox(s) of the options that you want to remove and click OK button. All the selected options and mapping associated with the particular element will be removed.

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