Set Merger XPath

Set Merger XPath

Once you have split the source data by setting the Splitter XPath on a source element, you need to merge the split data at the target end. For this, you need to set the Merger XPath on a target element.

Setting the Merger XPath is largely dependent upon the Splitter XPath. You need to ensure that the number of Splitter XPaths and the Merger XPaths at the source and target schemas respectively are the same. 

Steps to set Merger XPath

  1. Ensure that all the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Ensure that a Splitter XPath has been set for a source schema element.
  3. Right-click the target schema element on which you want to merge the split data and select the Set as Merger XPath option. A screen showing the Merger XPath details is displayed (see Figure 470).

    Figure 470: Merger XPath Details

    Merging can be set only on root or record levels. You cannot merge on an element level.

  4. Click OK. This merges the split data and sets the Merger XPath on the selected target element.


    Once a Merger XPath is set for a target element, the letter (S) is displayed next to that target element. This signifies that the split data has been merged on the target element and the Merger XPath has been set. Refer to Table of Suffixes for details on suffixes displayed next to an element.

    You can view Merger XPath details in the output XML. A $ input tag is prefixed to the line containing the Splitter XPath details.

    When using Enable Quick Splitting feature, the Merger Xpath is also automatically set when this feature is selected.

  5. Once you have set a Merger XPath, you can view it in the Output XML.

To view Merger XPath

Click View menu and select View Mapping XML. The Mapping XML window is displayed. The Merger XPath details are displayed with Target XPath code (refer to Figure 468).

You can remove a Merger XPath that has been set for a target element. 

Steps to remove Merger XPath

  1. Right-click the target schema element whose Merger XPath you want to remove and select the Remove Merger XPath option. A screen showing the Merger XPath details is displayed (see Figure 471).

    Figure 471: Remove Merger XPath Details

  2. Click OK. This removes the Merger XPath set on the selected target element.

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