Using Data Interface

Using Data Interface

Data Interface is used to configure activities which can be overridden at execution time of the process flows. Using this interface, you can attach an event with the process flow and the activities that will be overridden at execution time of the process flows.

Data interface is used to process data of different formats using different schema and mapping. In this case, you don't have to create a different process flow for data of each format. You can use only one process flow and create data interfaces for each format of data. In data interface, you can choose the event, which will trigger the process flow, and the activities that will be overridden during the execution of the process flow when it is triggered by a particular event.

Steps to create Data Interface

  1. On the Adeptia Suite home page, select the Source and Destination applications from the drop-down list box. Alternatively, on the Adeptia Suite homepage, go to Develop > Solutions > Data Interfaces and then click Create New



    Source is the application from where the information will go and Destination is the application where the information reaches.

    On the home page, you find some Pre-Configured, read-only interfaces like Salesforce_to_CSV or XML to CSV. You can make a copy of these interfaces and customize them as required. However, in case of Salesforce_to_CSV, you must also replace the values of the Sample Server URL with your own values in the Database Connection Info screen. To replace these values, follow the below steps:

    1. Click Salesforce_to_CSV.
    2. On the Edit Data Interfaces: Salesforce_Contacts_to_csv screen, Expand Source.
    3. In the My source layout details field, click . The AdvanceDbSchema window is displayed.
    4. Click in the Database Info field. The DatabaseConnectionInfo screen is displayed.
    5. Replace the sample URL values with your own values in the Server URLtextbox (refer Table 3: Server URL Pattern for help).
    6. Click Save.
  2. Click Next.

  3. Type the name and description of the new Data Interface Configuration in the Name and Description text boxes.

  4. Expand Source. Details related to the source of the data interface activity are displayed.


  5. Select the values for the Trigger, My source layout details, and My source location details from the drop-down list.

    The fields and their respective values in the drop-down list might change depending on the selected application.

    The following table show the possible values for various source applications.

    Source Application


    My Source Layout is


    FTP Event

    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema


    File Event

    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema


    Mail Event

    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema


    SAP Server

    SAP IDOC Schema

    Google Drive

    Application Event

    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    The following table lists the applications that use Calendar event, Advance Database Schema, and Advance Database Source as values in the TriggerMy Source Layout details, and My Source Location Details respectively:

    Source Application


    My Source Layout details

    My Source Location Details

    • Active Directory
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon SimpleDB
    • Amazon Redshift
    • Apache Cassandra
    • Azure Table
    • Database
    • Dynamics CRM
    • Dynamics GP
    • Dynamics NAV
    • Eloqua
    • Google Analytics
    • Google BigQuery
    • Google Spreadsheet
    • Hubspot
    • Marketo
    • Mongo DB
    • NetSuite
    • OData
    • OFX
    • Open LDAP
    • QuickBooks
    • RSS Feeds
    • SAPNet
    • SalesForce
    • SharePoint

    Calendar event

    Advance Database Schema

    Advance Database Source

    If the Trigger does not exist in the Trigger drop-down list, click  to create a new one. Clickto edit an existing one.

    For information on how to create a Trigger, refer to Creating Triggers and Events.

    If an Advance Database Schema does not exist in the My Source Layout details drop-down list, click to create a new one. Clickto edit an existing one.


    To create a new Database Info while creating a schema, select.

    In the Server URL text box, the URL is displayed as per your selected application. Replace the sample values of the URL fields with your own values in the Server URL text box.
    For example: While using NetSuite you may enter: jdbc:netsuite:Account Id=TSTDRH354273;Password=netsuite;User=John.Smith@adeptia.com;Role Id=4;Version=2014_1;Location=d:
    Refer the below table to know about the Server URL Pattern of other applications.


     Using Vault

    The URL we use in any application contains some confidential information like password which is passed as a plain text. To enhance the security, use vault to encrypt the password instead of providing the password as a plain text. Before using it in the URL, click here to create a new Vault.

    After you have created a vault, replace the confidential information with the aliasName and key, which contains the info, in the following syntax in the URL of the JDBC drivers (given in the table below):


    Following an opening curly parentheses, 'Vault' is a keyword to be used every time (V in 'Vault' is UPPERCASE).
    aliasName is the Vault Alias, where the parameter, which stores the confidential data, is defined.
    key is the parameter which stores the confidential data.
    Finally closed by a closing curly parentheses.
    A period is used as a separator between Vault and aliasName; and aliasName and key.

    JDBC Driver

    URL Format

    Amazon DynamoDB

    jdbc:dynamodb:Access Key=<Access Key>;Secret Key=<Secret Key>;Domain=<Domain>;Region=<Region>;
    <Access Key> is your AWS account access key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.
    <Secret Key> is your AWS account secret key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.
    <Domain> is your AWS domain name. You can optionally choose to associate your domain name with AWS.
    <Region> is the hosting region for your Amazon Web Services.

     Amazon Simple DB

    jdbc:simpledb:Access Key=< Access Key >;Secret Key=<Secret Key>;
    < Access Key > is the Amazon Web Services access key.
    <Secret Key> is the Amazon Web Services secret key.

    Apache Cassandrajdbc:Cassandra:Database=<MyCassandraDB>;Port=<Port>;Server=<Server>; Here: <Server> is the server that is authenticating to the Apache Cassandra. <Port> is the port number for the user connecting Apache Cassandra. <Database> is the access database that is authenticating the Apache Cassandra.
    Azure Tablejdbc:azure:Access Key=<Access Key>;Account= <Account Name> Here: <Access Key> is your Azure account access key. This value is accessible from Microsoft Azure Portal. <Account Name> is your account name used to login Azure.

    Dynamics GP

    <user> is the user that is authenticating to the Dynamics GP Web Services.
    <password> is the password for the user connecting to Dynamics GP.
    <URL> is the URL of the Dynamics GP server.

    Dynamics NAV


    <User> is the user that is authenticating to the Dynamics NAV Web Services.
    <Password> is the password for the user connecting to Dynamics NAV.
    <URL> is the URL of the Dynamics NAV server.
    <ServerInstance> is the ServerInstance of the Dynamics NAV server.


    jdbc:dynamicscrm:User=< User >;Password=< Password >;URL=< URL >;CRM Version=< CRM Version >;
    < User > is the user that is authenticating to the Dynamics CRM site.
    < Password > is the password used to authenticate to the Dynamics CRM site.
    < URL > is the root URL of the Organization. For example a CRM 4.0 or CRM 2011 URL would look like


    For CRM Online, the URL would look like


    < CRM Version > is the type of Dynamics CRM Server to which you are connecting. Accepted entries are: [CRM Online WLID, CRM Online Office 365, CRM 2011, CRM 2011 IFD, CRM 4.0, CRM 4.0 IFD, CRM 2013, CRM 2013 IFD]

    Eloquajdbc:eloqua:User=<user>;Password=<password>; Here:

    <User> is the user that is authenticating to the Eloqua.
    <Password> is the password connecting Eloqua.

    Google Analyticsjdbc:googleanalytics:OAuth Access Token=<myAccessToken>;Profile=<myProfile>; Here:

    <OAuthAccessToken> is the access token that is authenticating to the Google Analytics.
    <Profile> is for the profile connecting Google Analytics.

    Google BigQueryjdbc:googlebigquery:OAuthAccessToken=<MyOAuthAccessToken>;ProjectId=<NameOfProject>; Here:

    <OAuthAccessToken> is the access token that is authenticating to the Google BigQuery.
    <ProjectId> is for the user connecting Google BigQuery.

    Google Spreadsheets

    jdbc:googlesheets:user=< User >;password=< Password >;Spreadsheet=< Spreadsheet >;
    < User > is the user of the Google account used to authenticate.
    < Password > is password of the Google account used to authenticate.
    < Spreadsheet > is the name or feed link of the spreadsheet to be viewed.


    jdbc:hubspot:OAuth Access Token=<Access token>;HubId=<MyHubId>;


    <OAuth Access Token> is the token that is authenticating to the HubSpot.
    <HubId> is the Id connecting HubSpot.

    Marketojdbc:marketo:Schema=<REST>;RESTEndpoint=<https://MyMarketoUrl/rest>;OAuthClientID=<MyOAuthClientId>; Here:

    <Schema> is the token that is authenticating to the Marketo.
    <RESTEndpoint> is for the connecting Marketo.
    <OAuthClientID> is the Id for connecting Marketo.

    Mongo DBjdbc:mongodb:Server=<Server>;Port=<Port>;Database=<Database Name>;User=<User>;Password=<Password>; Here:

    <Server> is the server that is authenticating to the Mongo DB.
    <Port> is the port number for the user connecting Mongo DB.
    <Password> is the password for the user connecting Mongo DB.
    <Database> is the access database that is authenticating Mongo DB.
    <User> is the user that is authenticating Mongo DB Web Services.


    jdbc:netsuite:Account Id=< Account Id >;Password=< Password >;User=< User >;Role Id=< Role Id >;Version=< Version >;Location=< Location >;
    < Account Id > is the company account your user name is associated with on NetSuite.
    < Password > is the password of the NetSuite user used to authenticate.
    < User > is the user of the NetSuite account used to authenticate.
    < Role Id > is the Internal ID of the role that will be used to log in to NetSuite. Leave empty to use the user's default role.
    < Version > is the version of the NetSuite API in usage. Defaults to 2013_1.
    < Location > is a path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.


    jdbc:odata:user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >;
    < User > is the user that is authenticating to the OData site.
    < Password > is the password used to authenticate to the OData site.
    < URL > is the Url to the Organization root or the OData services file. For example,



    jdbc:ofx:OFXUser=< OFXUser >;OFXPassword=< OFXPassword >;FIID=< FIID >;
    < OFXUser > is the username used to connect to the OFX server.
    < OFXPassword > is the password used to connect to the OFX server.
    < FIID > is the Financial institution identifier.


    jdbc:ldap:user=< User >;password=< Password >;server=< Server >;port=< Port >;version=< Version >;BaseDN=< BaseDN >;
    < User > BaseDn of User having update permissions.
    < Password > is the password for the Distinguished Name of the specified user. 
    < Server > IP of OpenLDAP server.
    < Port > OpenLDAP server port.
    < version > LDAP version generally 3.
    < BaseDN > BaseDN of server where you want to connect.

    Active Directory

    jdbc:ldap:user=< User >;password=< Password >;server< Server >;port=< Port >;BaseDN=< BaseDN >;

    < User > is the Distinguished Name of a user.
    < Password > is the password for the Distinguished Name of the specified user. 
    < Server > IP of Active directory server.
    < Port > Active directory server port.
    < BaseDN > BaseDN of user.


    jdbc:quickbooks:Schema=< Schema >;user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >;
    < Schema > is the edition of QuickBooks being used. Desktop by default.
    < User > is a username for the Remote Connector connection (if required by the Remote Connector).
    < Password > is a password for the Remote Connector connection.
    < URL > is the URL for the Remote Connector. For example: 'http://localhost:2080'.

    RSS Feeds

    jdbc:rss:user=< User >;password=< Password >;URL=< URL >;
    < User > is the user of RSS Feeds account used to authenticate.
    < Password > is the password used to authenticate the user.
    < URL > is the URL of the feed.


    jdbc:salesforce:User=< User >;Password=< Password >;Security Token=< Security Token >;
    < User > is the user of the Salesforce account used to authenticate.
    < Password > is the password of the Salesforce account used to authenticate.
    < Security Token > is the security token of the Salesforce account used to authenticate.


    jdbc:sap:Host=< Host >;User=< User >;Password=< Password >;Client=< Client >;System Number=< System Number >;ConnectionType=< Connection Type >;Location=< Location >
    < Host > is the Host name of the target system.
    < User > is the user that is authenticating to the SAP system.
    < Password > is the password used to authenticate to the SAP system.
    < Client > is the client authenticating to the SAP system.
    < System Number > is the number by which the target system is defined.
    < Connection Type > is the type of connection you are making, it must be a JCO connection. Ensure that you place the sapjco3.jar file in the /ServerKernel/ext directory.
    < Location > is a path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures to work with your chosen data source.


    jdbc:sharepoint:user=< User >;password=< Password >;Auth Scheme=< Auth Scheme >;URL=< URL >;
    < User > is the SharePoint user account used to authenticate.
    < Password > is the password used to authenticate the user.
    < Auth Scheme > is the scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are: [NTLM,BASIC,DIGEST,NONE,NEGOTIATE].
    < URL > is the base URL for the site.

    If an Advance Database Source does not exist in the My Source Location details drop-down list, click to create a new one. To edit an existing one, click.

    For information on how to create an Advanced Database Source, refer to Creating Source Activity.

  6. Expand Target. Details related to the target of the data interface activity appears.
  7. Select the details for the Convert source to this target layoutMy target layout details, and My target location details.

    The fields and their respective values in the drop-down lists might vary depending on the selected application. Refer the following table to know the possible values for various target applications.

    Target Application

    Convert source to this target layout

    My Target Location Details


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    FTP Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    File Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    LAN File Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    Mail Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    Box Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    DropBox Target


    • XML Schema
    • Adv. Positional Schema
    • Excel Schema
    • Positional Schema
    • Adv. Text Schema
    • Text Schema

    GoogleDrive Target

    If you select an IDOC as a Target Application, the allowed value in the My Target Layout details is a SAP IDOC Schema and that in the My Target Location Details field is a SAP Client.

    The following table lists the applications that use Advance Database Schema and Advance Database Target as values in the My Target Layout details, and My Target Location Details. 

    Target Application

    My Target Layout details

    My Target Location Details

    • Active Directory
    • Amazon SimpleDB
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon Redshift
    • Apache Cassandra
    • Azure Table
    • Database
    • Dynamics CRM
    • Dynamics GP
    • Dynamics NAV
    • Eloqua
    • Google BigQuery
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Spreadsheet
    • Hubspot

    • Marketo

    • Mongo DB
    • NetSuite
    • OData
    • OFX
    • Open LDAP
    • QuickBooks
    • SAPNet
    • SalesForce
    • SharePoint

    Advance Database Schema

    Advance Database Target

    Values for My Target Layout Details are displayed according to your Target Layout selection.
  8. Select the mapping activity to map fields of selected source and target schemas in the Use this mapping for data conversion drop-down list.

    To open the Data Mapper applet through Data interface configuration window, make the following changes according to your browser:

    Internet Explorer:

    1. Go to Internet Options > Privacy to disable the pop-up blocker' check box.
    2. Go to Internet Options > Security tab > Custom Level button > to enable the Scripting of Java applets option (scroll down to search).
    3. Click OK. 


    1. Go to Settings > Click the Show advanced settings option. 
    2. Go to Settings > Privacy and click the Content Settings button. 
    3. Go to Pop-Ups section (scroll down to search). 
    4. Select the Allow all sites to show pop-ups radio button. 
    5. Click Done.

  9. Expand Advance Properties .
    1. From the Process Flow Name drop-down list box, select a process flow to change its default advanced properties.
    2. Select the logging level from the Process Flow Logging Level drop-down list box. There are three levels of logging. The following table lists the logging levels.

      Logging Levels



      The DEBUG level logs fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug any problem. Debug level is useful for programmers.


      The INFO level logs informational messages that highlight the progress of Process Flow execution. In INFO, status (successful or failure) of each activity is shown.


      In ERROR, the possible cause of failure of an activity is shown.

    3. Select repository file retention from the Process Flow Repository File Retention option. During execution, the Process Flow creates a temporary repository file to store intermediate data. These repository files can cause unnecessary disk space usage and you may want to delete them after execution of the Process Flow. On the other hand, sometimes these repository files can be helpful in case of the failure of the Process Flow execution. For each instance of the Process Flow execution, a unique repository folder is created that contains Source, intermediate XML data files, and target formatted data. By default, repository files are being stored in the repository folder of the Adeptia Suite. You can also choose an option to delete them or to archive them in a different location. There are three options for the Repository File Retention.

      Retention Option



      Repository files are not deleted after execution of Process Flow.


      Repository files are deleted after the Process Flow is executed.


      Repository files are deleted only when the process flow is executed successfully and there is no error record.

      For more information, refer to Changing Advanced Properties.


Activating the Data Interface


  1.    Select the Data Interface Activity and click Activate.

This triggers the process flow and the data is transferred from the source to destination application.
For information on how to view data interface log, refer to Monitoring data interface.

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