Using Value Map
The Value Map feature enables you to define a Map set for a particular value of an element. A Map set enables you to define the mapping values that will be used in the target schema against the values of the elements present in the source schema. For example, if you have a source schema, which has an element, Priority. This element stores the priority levels for the incoming emails and can have the values, Low, Medium, and High. You want to create a Map set for these values and want to map the values in the target schema as:
- For the source element 'High' the Map value for the target element will be 'H'.
- For the source element 'Low' the Map value for the target element will be 'L'.
- For the source element 'Medium' the Map value for the target element will be 'M'.
Scope of a Value Map
You can also select the scope of a Value Map at the time of defining and saving it. Scope of Value Map is the context within which it is defined and can be accessible within or across the user groups. A Value Map can be defined in any of the following scope:
- Global: The Value Maps defined within Global scope are available within all the mapping activities. Once you create a global Value Map in a mapping activity, you can use it in all the mapping activities.
- Group: The Value Maps Templates defined within Group scope are available only within the specific user group.
By default, a Value Map is saved in the Global scope and in the Parameter Panel; it is added and displayed under the folder Value Map/Global. If you select to save the Value Map in the Group scope then in the Parameters Panel, it is added and displayed under the folder Value Map/Group. You can also change the scope of a Value Map from Group to Global directly from the Parameters Panel by right-clicking the Value Map and selecting the Move to Global option. However, you cannot change the scope of a Value Map from Global to Group.
This section covers the following tasks:
- Defining a Value Map
- Using a Value Map in Mapping
- Managing a Value Map from the Parameters Panel
Defining a Value Map
You can define a Value Map by either manually providing the mapping values that will be used in the target schema against the values of the elements present in the source schema in the Value Map Dialog screen or by defining the mapping values that will be used in the target schema against the values of the elements present in the source schema in a CSV file and then loading the CSV file. Loading a CSV file is useful when you have a large set of values to be mapped.
Defining a Value Map Manually
Steps to Manually Define a Value Map
Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
Elements of Source and Target Schema
Click the Value Map
button on the toolbar or select the option Value Map from the Actions menu. The Value Map Dialog screen is displayed.Value Map Options Dialog screen
- Enter the name of Value Map (for example, PriorityMap) in the Name textbox.
Select the scope of the Value Map. By default, the radio button Global is selected and a Value Map is saved in the Global scope.
If you want to save the Value Map within the current user group, select the Group radio button. This will save the Value Map as the group Value Map and can be used in any mapping activity within the current user group. In the Parameters panel, the Value Map will be displayed under the folder hierarchy Value Map/Group.
- Click the Add button to add a new row for Value and Map columns. You can also add the row by pressing the Enter key. This will add the row immediately next to the row which is currently selected.
- You can also provide the default Map value in the Default Value field (for example, Normal). In case if at the source side any value is not provided then the value provided in the Default Value field will be mapped to the target element (see Figure 420). For example, if you want to map the priority of the mail as:
- For the source element 'High' the Map value for the target element will be 'H'.
- For the source element 'Low' the Map value for the target element will be 'L'.
- For the source element 'Medium' the Map value for the target element will be 'M'.
For the source element which is not provided the target element will be mapped to 'Normal' as defined in the Default Value field.
Value Map Select the checkbox Pick from Source if you want to use the source element as the map value for the target element or if you do not want to use the default value as the Map value. For example, if there is a source element 'Normal' then the Map value for the corresponding target element will be 'Normal' and for the source element which is not provided the Map value for the target element will also be a blank.
If you need to delete any row, select the respective row and click the Delete
button.Click the Save & Close
button to save the Value Map. This will add the Value Map in Value Map hierarchy in the Parameter Panel. Similarly you can add more Value Map.
Parameters Panel
If you need to close the Value Map without saving it, click the Close
Defining a Value Map Using a CSV File
The Value Map feature also enables you to load a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. You can use the set of values from the csv file which are separated by comma as a Map set for your process flow. For example, if you want to change the values defined for the priority of mail as:
- For the source element 'High' the Map value for the target element is 'H'.
- For the source element 'Low' the Map value for the target element is 'L'.
- For the source element 'Medium' the Map value for the target element is 'M'.
Then, you can define the set of values in a csv file as:
Low, L
Medium, M
High, H
Steps to Define a Value Map Using a CSV File
- In the Value Map Dialog screen, enter the name of Value Map (for example, PriorityMap_forcsvfile in the Name text box.
Click the CSV
button to load a csv file if you want to map the values using the values defined in the csv file. The server will consider the comma-separated pair of values as the target element and its mapped value.Value Map Dialog: Load CSV
An Open window is displayed
- Browse and select the respective CSV file.
- Click Open to upload the CSV file. This will populate the Value and Map columns.
- Select the scope of the Value Map.
Enter the default value in the Default Value field.
Value Map Dialog screen
- Select the Pick from Source check box, if required.
- Click the Save & Close button to save the Value Map. This will add the Value Map value map in Value Map hierarchy in the Parameter Panel. Similarly, you can add more Value Maps.
Parameters Panel
Using a Value Map in a Mapping
Steps to Use the Value Map in a Mapping
- Now to map it, select a target element, for example, Priority. The selected target element is shown in Mapping Graph Area.
- Double click on a value map you want to use, from the Value Map hierarchy of Parameter Panel. For example, PriorityMap.
- Now double-click the source element. For example, Priority.
Connect the output of the source element to the input of value map and then connect the output of value map to the input of the target element.
Use Auto Map in a Mapping
- Once you have performed the mapping activity, click Apply Mapping ( ) button to save the mapping. The mapping will be applied.
Mapping between the Source and Target Schema
Managing a Value Map from Parameters Panel
You can also manage the Value Map from the Parameters Panel. When you right-click the Value Map in the Parameters Panel, you can perform the following operations on a Value Map:
- Edit the Value Map
- Move a Value Map from Group to Global
- Delete a Value Auto Map
Editing a Value Map
In edit mode, you can edit the name of Value Map and the map set for an element value. Note that you cannot edit the scope of a Value Map in edit mode. The radio buttons to select the scope becomes non-editable once you save the Value Map. The radio buttons to select the scope becomes non-editable once you save the Value Map. However, you cannot edit the Value Map when it has been already been used in the mapping and that mapping has been saved.
Steps to Edit a Value Map
- In the Properties Panel, select the Value Map to be edited.
Right-click the Value Map and select the option Edit.
Parameters Panel: Value Map Edit option
The Value Map is open in Edit mode.
Value Map Dialog screen in Edit mode
- Click the Save & Close button to save the Value Map.
Moving a Value Map from Group to Global
You can also change the scope of a Value Map from the Parameters Panel by moving the Value Map from Group to Global. However, you cannot move a Value Map if it is has been used in mapping and that mapping has been saved. In addition, you cannot move a Custom Auto Map from Global to Group.
Steps to Move a Value Map
- In the Properties Panel, select the Value Map which you want to move from group to global.
Right-click the Value Map and select the option Move To Global.
Change Scope in Parameters Panel
A warning message is displayed.
Warning Message
- Click Yes to confirm the change of scope from Group to Global.
Change Scope in Parameters Panel
This will add the change the scope of the selected Value Map and now the Value Map will be displayed under the Global folder.
Steps to Delete a Value Map
In the Properties Panel, select the Value Map which you want to delete.
Right-click the Value Map and select the option Remove.
A warning message is displayed.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion of selected Value Map. The selected Value Map will be deleted.