Administrators Guide

This guide provides detailed description of administrative features of Adeptia Suite. It guides you to seamlessly manage the functioning, design, and integration of business processes using these administrative features.The administration of Adeptia Suite involves creation and management of users, groups, and business roles. The Administrator's role also involves configuration of system properties, creating database connectors, ensuring system security, and monitoring system status.

The Administrative features are used primarily by the Administrator, Sys Admin, and Group Admin of organizations. You must have administrative rights to perform administrative tasks. These rights vary based upon the user type. 

Following are the major sections of this guide:

Section Name


Administering Adeptia Suite

Creating and managing users, groups, and business roles.

Managing Application and System Settings

Configuring and updating system properties of Adeptia Suite.

Creating and Managing User Groups 

Learn how to create and manage user groups.

Creating and Managing Users

Learn how to create and manage users.

Creating a Business Role

Step-by-step instructions to create business role.

Managing Kernel and Scheduler

Understanding Process Flow status when Kernel or Scheduler is started, paused, or stopped.

Managing Secret Key

Creating, exporting, and importing Secret Key. 

Monitoring Adeptia Suite using System DashboardMonitoring Adeptia Suite using System dashboard.
Monitoring Adeptia Suite PerformanceMonitoring the status and performance of Adeptia Suite and Query Response Time.
DiagnosticLearn two utilities for investigating the behavior - Tracer and Thread Dump utility.
Accessing PID of Kernel and WebRunnerProcedure to access PID file of Kernel and WebRunner.
Load ManagementIntroduction to Load Management and Queue Processor.
Application MaintenanceIntroduction to Data Cleanup, Log Cleanup, Instant Logs, Log Recovery, and Synchronization.
System ConsoleMonitoring the system health and understanding System Console user interface.
Backup and RestoreSteps to restore the backup of objects (activities, process flows, user, groups, and more).