

It may be due to Adeptia Suite is unable to connect with your back end database, check the back end database connection. If the issue still persist, contact your system admin.

  1. On the Administer tab, go to Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.

  2. Expand Load Management.

  3. Set the value to Yes of the abpm.cluster.enable property.

  4. Click Save.

For more information, refer to Enabling Clustering.

  1. On the Administer tab, go to Maintenance > Scheduler.

  2. Click Resume Scheduler or Start Scheduler. These options appears, if and only if, the scheduler is paused or stopped.

For more information, refer to Managing Scheduler.

  1. Go to the …/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc folder.

  2. Open quartz.properties file in Notepad.

  3. Adjust the value of the parameters - threadCount and misfireThreshold. For example:
    org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 60000, where 60000 is the default value.
    org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 50

For more information, refer to handle large number of events.

  1. On the Administer tab, go to Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.

  2. Expand Load Management.

  3. Set the value to Yes of the abpm.queue.processor. enable property.

  4. Click Save.

For more information, refer to Queue Processor.

  1. On the Administer tab, go to Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.

  2. Expand Performance Optimization > Caching > JDO.

  3. Set the value to Yes of the abpm.jdo.cache.enable property.

  4. Click Save to go back to Application Settings.

  5. Click Reload Configuration.

  6. Restart the server to implement the changes.

For more information, refer to Enabling Cache.

The problem may occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • Database is not accessible

  • Database is down

If you are using HSQLDB then make sure that Kernel is running.

If you are using Other database then make sure that database is accessible and in running mode.

  1. Go to .../<Adeptia_Install_Folder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/logs/applicationlogs.

  2. For log cleanup, open LogsArchiveAndCleanUp.log file.

  3. For archive log cleanup, open ArchiveDataCleanUp.log file.

At times, this happens due to multiple processes involved that decrease the performance. For any type of performance issues related to CPU, RAM, Kernel, WebRunner, and more, refer to the recommended configuration settings in the Performance Tuning Guide.

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