Declaring Connection Info Variable

  • Connection Info variables are used as a parameter in the DBQuery function, when extracting information from the database.

Steps to declare a Connection Info Variable

  1. Ensure that the source and target schemas are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Click the Global tab in the Mapping Graph Area. All tabs of the Global tab are displayed.
  3. Click the Connection Info tab. The Connection Info Variable pane is displayed in the Mapping Graph Area (see Figure 546).

    Figure 546: Connection Info Variable Pane

  4. Click the Connection Variable Name text field and enter the name of the Connection Info variable you want to create (e.g. Var1). Press the Tab orEnter key. This takes the control to the Connection Variable Value field.
  5. The Connection Info variable accepts a DBInfo as its value. Thus, the Connection Variable Value field displays a list of existing DBInfo Names and theirIDs.
  6. Select the DBInfo name that you want to assign for the Connection Info variable (see Figure 547).

    Figure 547: Enter Connection Variable Value

    You can click Synchronize to reload the DBInfo list.

  7. Click the Save Connection Variable (  ) button to save the Connection Info variable. This Connection Info variable is added to the list of existing variables in the Connection Variable Name field. It is also displayed under Connection Info in the Parameters Panel. If you shift the focus to another node, or click any of the Mapping Rules, Textual Rules, Local Variables, Properties, XSL or Debugger tabs, without saving the Connection Info variable, an alert  message is displayed (refer to Figure 522).
  8. Click No to save the Connection Info variable and shift the focus to the other object. If you click Yes, then the defined Connection Info variable is cleared and the focus is shifted to the other object.
  • You can rearrange the Connection Info variables by dragging it up or down in the list.
  • You can edit or delete a Connection Info variable from the Parameters Panel itself. For details, refer to the  Managing a Global Variable from Parameter Panel section.