Designing Process Flow using BPMN Graphical Elements

The first step while creating a process flow is to design the process flow using Process Designer. To design the process flow:

  1. Go to Develop > Process > Process Flow.

  2. Click Create New


On the New Process Flow screen, provide the values corresponding to the fields.

Field NameDescription
Standard Properties
NameName of the new process flow.
DescriptionDescriptionof the new process flow. Description of the process flow can be overridden during execution of the process flow. For information on how to override the process flow description, refer to Overriding Process Flow Description at Runtime.
Logging Level

DEBUG: The DEBUG level logs are fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug any problem. Debug level is useful for programmers.
INFO: The INFO level logs are informational messages that highlight the progress of process flow execution. In INFO, status (successful or failure) of each activity is displayed.
ERROR: (Recommended) In ERROR, the possible cause of failure of an activity is displayed. By default, Error is selected in the Logging Level.

Repository File RetentionDuring execution, the process flow creates a temporary repository file to store intermediate data. These repository files can cause unnecessary disk space usage and you may want to delete them after execution of the process flow. On the other hand, sometimes these repository files can be helpful, in case of the failure of the process flow execution. For each instance of the process flow execution, a unique repository folder is created that contains Source, intermediate XML data files and target formatted data. By default, repository files are being stored in the repository folder of the Adeptia Server.

DONTDELETE: Repository files are not deleted after the execution of a process flow.

DELETE: Repository files are deleted after the process flow is executed.

DELETE ON SUCCESS: (Recommended) Repository files are deleted only when the process flow is executed successfully and there is no error record.

DELETE ON SUCCESS EXCEPT SOURCE DATA: Repository files are deleted when the process flow is executed successfully except the source file(s).

Optimize for Real-Time

To optimize the process flow for the real-time production environment. On selecting this check box, following fields are optimized:

Logging Level: ERROR
Repository File Retention: DELETE ON SUCCESS

Recoverable Process Flow: No
Activities Logging Retention: NO LOGGING

Advanced Properties
Data Encryption at Rest*

Use this property to set value for Data Encryption at Rest at the runtime. By default the value set in property is be used for all templates. However, during runtime, if you need to change the value for a template you can do so choosing from following three options (while creating or editing a PF).

  • Use Global Policy: Uses the value that user has set up in
  • Yes: For setting EAR as yes. This will override the values set in above property. 
  • No: For setting EAR as no. This will override the values set in above property.  

*This feature is available only in Adeptia Connect.

Recoverable Process FlowRecoverable Process Flow is the process flows whose execution can be resumed in case Kernel is restarted due to some reasons during process flow execution. For information on recoverable process flows, refer to Recovery. Select the check box to make the process flow implicitly recoverable.
Activities Logging RetentionThis property specifies whether to retain detailed log (status of each activity) of the process flow or not. You can select any of the following options:

DO NOT DELETE: All the activity logs are always retained.
DELETE ON SUCCESS: If the process flow is executed successfully then activity logs are deleted. Only the status of the process flow is retained. The main objective is to reduce the number of logs from the log database. This is required when you process a large number of files every day in the production environment. This improves the execution time of the process flow.
NO LOGGING: (Recommended) Activity logs are not written in the logs. Only the status of the process flow execution is logged.

PriorityThis property is applicable when the Queue Processor is enabled.

NORMAL: When a process flow with Normal priority is executed, it first get queued to the Queue Processor and then get executed based on the availability of the Queue Processor.
IMMEDIATE: When a process flow with Immediate priority is executed, it bypasses the Queue Processor and gets executed immediately, even if the Queue Processor is busy.

Process Flow DefinitionDefinition of the process flow.
ProjectProject under which you want to add the process flow. By default, it is added to the default project of Adeptia Suite. The default project of Adeptia Suite is Default.
OwnerOwner of the process flow. The default owner is the administrator.
PermissionsPermission levels of the owner as per your requirements.
For more information about Advanced Properties, refer to Changing Advanced Properties.


  1. Click Process Flow Designer. A file - startPD.jnlp will get downloaded to your computer. Double-click to open the Process Designer

    If you are starting the Process Designer for the first time, then a warning message is displayed that prevents you from starting this application. Just ignore this message and click Keep to continue.

  2. Select the activity from the Palette and drag it to the Graph Canvas. The dragged activity element is displayed in the Graph Canvas.


  3. By default, all the BPMN elements, except event objects, are blank. You can add a label to the BPMN element, once you drag it to the Graph Canvas. You can do this by double-clicking the element. This displays the properties associated with the element in the Properties Panel in the Bottom Pane. Alternately, you can right-click the element and select View Properties option.


  4. The Properties Panel is displayed at the Bottom Pane. Type the name of the element in the Value column of the Label text box.

  5. Click the element again in the Graph Canvas to display the name in the element.

  6. Repeat the steps to add more activities in the Graph Canvas. All the BPMN elements can be labeled in the same way.

Once the required BPMN elements are dragged to the Graph Canvas and proper labeling is done, it is necessary to connect them in order to design a business flow.

  1. Click the required flow from the Palette.
  2. Drag the cursor between two BPMN elements. Both BPMN elements are connected with the selected flows.

  3. Connect all the BPMN elements with appropriate control flow.

You can reposition the BPMN elements by moving the arrow keys. All the elements, except Sequence Flow, can be repositioned.

Once designing of the business process is completed, it is necessary to attach Adeptia Server activities to BPMN elements of the business process.