Understanding Validation

Validation is a mechanism that ensures that the process flow created in the Graph Canvas is correct as per the BPMN standard and Adeptia Server. If the process flow is incorrect, a message is displayed in the Alerts Panel in the Bottom Pane.

In the above figure, you can see that Source activity is properly connected with the incoming and outgoing sequence flow but Target activity has no outgoing sequence and End Event has an outgoing sequence. The validation message is displayed in the Alerts Panel.

There are two categories of validations:

  • BPMN Server Specific Validation: This includes Adeptia Server validations, for example, File Target has no input source stream. This is displayed as "BPMNServer" in the Category column of Alerts Panel.
  • BPMN Specific Validation: This includes BPMN specific validations, for example, end event cannot have outgoing sequence flow. This is displayed as "BPMN" in the Category column of Alerts Panel.

Validation messages are further divided into two types:

  • Error: These are displayed in the Alerts Panel with type (  ) along with error message and the corresponding user action is reverted if possible. If revert action takes place successfully then a warning message is displayed explaining the reason of revert operation. For example, start event cannot have incoming sequence flow, hence removed.
  • Warning: These are displayed the Errors Panel with type (  ) and the corresponding warning message is displayed. For example, start event has no outgoing sequence flow.

By default, Validation is enabled and Revert Action is disabled. Revert action specifies reverting wrong user action automatically by the Process Designer.

Disabling Validation

To disable validation:

  1. In the Process Designer, click Preferences > Validation. 

  2. Select Disable from the Enable or Disable Validation drop-down list.
  3. Click Apply Changes and then click Save Configuration.

    Similar steps need to be done to change the status of Revert Action.