Migrating Objects - Version Control

Migrating Objects - Version Control


Versioning refers to the process of assigning unique version numbers to unique states of the activities and objects. These numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in a group or project. While migrating objects in version control we can omit the version control fields if required.

This can be done through a configuration file migration.propeties which further has the following configurable properties:

  • migration.export.omitVersionControlFields
  • migration.import.omitVersionControlFields

By default the value of these properties is set as false. This means by default, the version control fields will not be omitted while exporting or deploying objects in version control.


Steps to Omit the Version Control Fields while Exporting and Deploying Objects in Version Control:

  1. Go to <Adeptia Suite Installation folder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\MigrationUtility folder.
  2. Open the migration.properties file.
  3. Set the value of migration.export.omitVersionControlFields property as true while exporting objects in version control.

    To learn how to export objects, please refer to the Exporting Objects section.

  4. Set the value of migration.import.omitVersionControlFields property as true while deploying objects in version control.

    To learn how to deploy objects, please refer to the Importing Objects section.

  5. Save this file.

    It is recommended that whenever you migrate version control objects to target environment, then it shall not have version control enabled in it.