Interactive Migration
Migration utility in interactive mode is either bundled with Adeptia Server or it can be downloaded or purchased separately. You can run the Migration utility either on the Server or Desktop. To run on the desktop, you need to copy the utility on the desktop.
When you run the utility, the system creates a log file at the location where the utility is stored.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 or later.
The database of Adeptia Server should be running. In case of HSQLDB database, you need to ensure that Kernel is running, as it activates the back-end database of the server. In other databases, Kernel is not required to be in running state, however, if it is running, it will not affect the Migration utility.
Ensure that no objects are created or modified during the Migration process.
Following are the major subsections:
Section Name | Description |
Steps to migrate objects using Migration utility either in the Windows-based or Linux-based operating systems. | |
Introduction to Versioning and instructions to omit Version Control fields while exporting and deploying objects in Version Control are also provided. |