Exporting Objects

Exporting Objects

In a noninteractive mode, you can export objects using export.xml file. Before start exporting, ensure that WebRunner is running. To export objects:
  1. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/MigrationUtility folder.
  2. Open export.xml  and do the following: 

    1. Provide the location of Adeptia Installation directory till Adeptia Server folder in the <SourceInstallDir> tag, for example, C:/Program Files/Adeptia Suite 6.5/AdeptiaSuite-6.5/AdeptiaServer.

    2. Provide the location where you want to create the export zip along with the file name in the <TargetZipLoc> tag, for example, C:/AdeptiaSuite/export.zip.
    3. Specify either “A” to export all objects(Single activity) or “P” to export Process Flows or “PA” to export both Process Flows and all objects in the <ExportType> tag.
    4. Type the group name to which activity belongs in the <Groups> tag, for example, DevelopGroup. Set the value of export to “yes” and "no" for other groups. Set the activity id of the group, for example, 002 for “DevelopGroup”.

    5. Type the name or entity ID for a particular service that you want to export under <Activities> tag. Ensure that you are adding the name or entityid in the specified ActivityId. The format of EntityId is: <id>EntiityID</id>. The format of name is: <name>Name</name>.

      Wildcard characters (“*” and “?”) are also supported in the name of the activity.

      “*” stands for zero or more characters and “?” stands for a single character. If an activity name under the <name> tag for a particular object contains either of the two characters then all the objects at the source end matching the <name> before “*”(and multiple characters after it) and all characters before “?” (and only one character after it) that belongs to the exported group will be migrated.

      For example,

      For exporting all File Source activities starting with “FS_” you need to specify the following:


      <activity name="FileSource">

      For exporting File Source activities with entity id = “010000036202128947281839100086” and “010000036202133067542452000039”, you need to specify the following:


      <activity name="FileSource">
    6. Remove the highlighted lines from the bottom of export.xml. If these lines are left out then server-configure.properties and custom classes will also be migrated.

    7. Save the file.

  3. Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux).
  4. Go to the directory .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel folder.
  5. Run the following command:
  • For Windows:
    migrationutility.bat –export <path of the export.xml file>
  • For Linux:
    ./migrationutility.sh –export <path of the export.xml file> 


                   <path of the export.xml file> is location of export.xml file. 

The migration utility runs in the console mode. By default, it exports the objects as per the parameters defined in the export.xml file and creates the exported zip at the path specified there. If you want to define the installed build path and object zip location at runtime, without considering the values defined in export .xml file, then run the migration utility using the following command:

For Windows:

migrationutility.bat –export <path of the export.xml file> <path of AdeptiaInstalledFolder till Adeptia Server> <path of the Target location with the zip file name> 

For example, 

migrationutility.bat –export MigrationUtility/export.xml "C:/Program Files/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" "D:\ExportedObjects.zip" 


  • "Migration Utility" is the folder within which export.xml file is placed.
  • "C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite\AdeptiaSuite-6.2\AdeptiaServer" is the path of the build location till Adeptia Server.
  • "D:\ExportedObjects.zip" is the path where you want to store your exported zip file along with the zip file name.

For Linux:

./migrationutility.sh –export <path of the export.xml file> <path of AdeptiaInstalledFolder till Adeptia Server> <path of the Target location with the zip file name> 

For example, 

./migrationutility.sh -export MigrationUtility/export.xml "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/ExportedObjects.zip" 


  • "Migration Utility" is the folder within which export.xml file is located.
  • "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" is the path of the build location till Adeptia Server.
  • "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/ExportedObjects.zip" is the path where you want to store your exported zip file along with the zip file name.

Only A and PR type of export are supported while exporting objects on the basis of users.