Importing Objects

Importing Objects

In a noninteractive mode, you can import objects using import.xml file. Before start importing, ensure that WebRunner is running. To import objects:

  1. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/MigrationUtility folder.
  2. Open import.xml and do the following: 

    1. Provide the location where you have placed "export.zip" in the <SourceZipLoc> tag, for example, C:/AdeptiaSuite/export.zip.
    2. Provide the Adeptia Suite location (till Adeptia Server) on which zip is to be deployed in the <TargetInstallDir> tag, for example, C:/Program Files/Adeptia Suite 6.5/AdeptiaSuite-6.5/AdeptiaServer.
    3. Provide the location of “retain.xml” located inside migration utility folder of AdeptiaSuite in the <RetainXMlLocation> tag, for example, C:/Program Files/Adeptia Suite 6.5/AdeptiaSuite-6.5/AdeptiaServer/MigrationUtility/retain.xml.
    4. Provide the Group Id copied from the Source environment in the <OverrideGroup> tag, for example, IndigoGroup:488312200399383763636327727118828399. If you want to move the objects in the admin group then no need to provide the Group ID.
    5. Provide the User Id copied from the Source environment in the <OverrideUser> tag, for example, IndigoUser:59458458737436832837118828399. If you want to move the objects in the admin user then no need to provide the User ID.
    6. Provide the User Id copied from the Source environment (in case you have copied the User ID above) in the <OverrideModifiedByUser>.tag, for example, IndigoUser:59458458737436832837118828399.

    7. To override project group, add new tag <OverrideProjectGroup> and provide the Group ID. For example,

      <OverrideProjectGroup comment="Group Id which will be reflected in the project group field of project after 
      You have to manually add this tag.
    8. Save the file.

  3. To retain some of the activities, open retain.xml located .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/MigrationUtility folder and change the required parameters. For more information, refer to Structure of Retain XML.

  4. Open Command Prompt and change the directory to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel.
  5. Run the following command:
  • For Windows:
    migrationutility.bat –import <path of the import.xml file>
  • For Linux:
    ./migrationutility.sh –import <path of the import.xml file> 

              <path of the import.xml file> is location of import.xml file. 

The migration utility runs in the console mode and deploys the objects at the target environment. By default, it imports the objects as per the parameters defined in the import.xml file and deploys the exported zip from the path defined there. If you want to define the installed build path and object zip location at runtime, without considering the values defined in import.xml file, then run the migration utility using the following command: 

For Windows:

migrationutility.bat –import <path of the import.xml file> <path of AdeptiaInstalledFolder till Adeptia Server> <path of the Source location with the zip file name>

For example, 

migrationutility.bat –import MigrationUtility\import.xml "C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite\AdeptiaSuite-6.2\AdeptiaServer" "D:\ExportedObjects.zip" 

For Linux:

./migrationutility.sh –import <path of the import.xml file> <path of AdeptiaInstalledFolder till Adeptia Server> <path of the Source location with the zip file name>

For example, 

./migrationutility.sh -import MigrationUtility/import.xml "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/ExportedObjects.zip" 


  • "Migration Utility" is the folder within which import.xml file is located.
  • "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer" is the path of the build location till Adeptia Server.
  • "/home/AdeptiaSuite-6.2/AdeptiaServer/ExportedObjects.zip" is the source location with zip file name.