Understanding Process Designer
Process Designer allows you to design business processes and business rules. It enables comprehensive designing of a process flow by the simple Point and Click method. The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) standard is used to graphically depict business processes. The Process Designer is easy to use and enables both technical and non-technical users to design processes.
The Process Designer screen is divided into following sections:
Menu Bar
Options of the Menu Bar are listed in the table below.
Menu Option | Sub-Option | Function |
| New | Opens a new Graph Canvas to create a new process flow. |
Open Locally Saved Process Flow | Opens a process flow saved to a local machine. | |
Save Process Flow to Server | Saves a process flow to the Adeptia Server. | |
Save Process Flow Locally | Saves a process flow to a local machine. | |
Import Process Model | Imports a process model and creates the process flow based on that model. | |
Exit | Closes the Process Designer applet. | |
| Undo | Reverses the previously performed action. |
Redo | Restores the previously undone action. | |
Zoom In | Zoom and magnify the current selection. | |
Zoom Out | Zoom and minimize the current selection. | |
| Synchronize with Server | Synchronizes the process flow with a list of Adeptia Server objects such as activities and process flow. |
Enter Login Information | Login information for accessing process designer. | |
Maximize Graph Canvas | Maximizes the Graph Canvas workspace. | |
Show Properties Tab | Displays and activates the Properties tab at the bottom pane of the Graph Canvas. | |
Show Exception Handler Tab | Displays and activates the On-Exception Scripts tab at the bottom pane of the Graph Canvas. | |
Show Alerts Tab | Displays and activates the Alerts tab at the bottom pane of the Graph Canvas. | |
Show Process Flow Variables Tab | Displays and activates the Process Flow Variables tab at the bottom pane of the Graph Canvas. | |
Show Comments Tab | Displays and activates the Comments tab at the bottom pane of the Graph Canvas. | |
Process Flow Attributes | Allows entering the properties of the process flow. | |
Modes | Online/Offline | Toggles between the online and offline mode. |
| Show Flow Object Labels | Displays the labels of the process flow objects. |
Show Connectivity Object Labels | Displays the labels while connecting objects. | |
Show Artifacts and Associations | Displays the artifacts and associations. | |
Show Control Flows | Displays the control flows. | |
Grid | Displays the grid in Graph Canvas. | |
Help | Help | Displays help for the Process Designer applet. |
The sub-options of the File, Edit, Actions, and Help menus can also be accessed using keyboard shortcuts. To view the list of the defined shortcuts, refer to Keyboard Shortcuts.
Tool Bar
Options of the Tool bar are explained in the table below.
Button | Name | Function |
New Process Flow | Opens a new graph canvas to create a process flow. | |
Open Locally Saved Process Flow | Opens a process flow file saved on local hard disk. | |
Save Process Flow to Adeptia Server | Saves a process flow to the Adeptia Server. | |
Save process Flow Locally | Saves a process flow on the local hard disk. | |
Generate PDF | Generates a PDF file of the process flow diagram. You can generate the following PDF: A Graph PDF includes all the rules applied to all activities in the process flow. A Summary PDF includes only the activity details. The Entire Flow PDF includes all details of the process flow. |
Synchronize with Server | Synchronizes the list of Adeptia Server objects, that is, activities and process flow from the Adeptia Server. | |
Maximize Graph Canvas | Maximizes and restores the graph canvas. | |
Show Properties Panel | Shows the Properties panel in the bottom pane. | |
Show Exception Handler Panel | Shows the Exception Handler Script in the bottom pane. | |
Show Error Panel | Shows the Error panel in the bottom pane. | |
Show Process Flow Variable Panel | Shows the Process Flow Variable Panel in the bottom pane | |
Show Comments Panel | Shows the Comments panel in the bottom pane. | |
Undo | Reverses the previously performed action. | |
Redo | Restores the previously undone action. | |
Zoom In | Zoom In the Graph Canvas area. | |
Zoom Out | Zoom Out the Graph Canvas area. |
The Palette contains a list of BPMN graphical elements that are used to define the flow of business processes. These BPMN graphical elements are listed in following five different panels:
Element | Description | Notation |
Events | An event is something that "happens" during the course of a business process. Events influence the flow of the process and usually have a cause (trigger) or an impact (result). | |
Activities | An activity is a work that is performed within a business process. The rectangle image displayed in the next column is used to depict an activity in a process flow. | |
Gateways | A Gateway is used to control the divergence and convergence of a sequence flow. Thus, it determines branching, forking, merging, and joining of paths. | |
Flows | A flow (control flow) is used to show the order that activities are performed in a business process. There are four types of flows:
| |
Artifacts | Artifacts do not have any direct effect on the sequence flow or message flow of the process. They are used to provide additional information for the reader of the process flow diagram. You can add any amount of information in this element. However, you cannot add any color to the text. To view the information, you can resize the frame in all directions. | |
All the BPMN Graphical Elements can be resized.
Repository View
The Repository View lists the Adeptia Server objects, such as activities, process flows, context variables and actions.
Graph Canvas
The Graph Canvas is the area where a process flow is drawn. BPMN specification and Adeptia Server activities are dragged onto the Graph Canvas and arranged in a sequence in order to create a process flow. The Graph Canvas can also be resized if an activity is dragged beyond the default size.
Bottom Pane
The Bottom Pane is used to view the properties of the activities, add comments to the activities, view errors in a process flow, and to create context variables.
There are five panels in the Bottom Pane:
On Exception Script
Process Flow Variable
A Process Flow XML is generated while designing a process flow. Click PF XML tab to view the XML of a process flow.
The Preferences window allows you to select the background color of the graph canvas and labels. Click Preferences tab to view the Preferences window.
You can modify following preferences.
Preferences | Description |
Background Colors | Changes the background color of the Graph Canvas, BPMN Events Panel or Activities Panel. |
Label Colors | Changes the colors of the labels of the activities displayed in the Graph Canvas. |
Validation | Verifies that the process flow created in the Graph Canvas is correct as per the BPMN standard and Adeptia Server. |
Undo Redo | Sets the number of actions you can undo or redo. |
BPMN Palette Colors | Changes the colors of the Events, Activities, Gateway, and Artifacts. |
Menu Option | Sub-Option | Keyboard Shortcut |
| New | <Ctrl> + <N> |
Open Locally Saved Process Flow | <Ctrl> + <O> | |
Save Prcoess Flow to Server | <Ctrl> + <S> | |
Save Process Flow Locally | <Ctrl> + <B> | |
| Undo | <Ctrl> + <Z> |
Redo | <Ctrl> + <Y> | |
Zoom In | <Ctrl> + <NumPad +> | |
Zoom Out | <Ctrl> + <NumPad -> | |
| Synchronize with Server | <F5> |
Enter Login Information | <Ctrl> + <L> | |
Maximize Graph Canvas | <Ctrl> + <M> | |
Show Properties Tab | <Ctrl> + <R> | |
Show Exception Handler Tab | <Ctrl> + <G> | |
Show Alerts Tab | <Ctrl> + <E> | |
Show Process Flow Variables Tab | <Ctrl> + <F> | |
Show Comments Tab | <Ctrl> + <H> | |
Help | Help | <F1> |