Working With Process Flow

Working With Process Flow

A process flow is a set of activities arranged in a sequence to perform a specific task. Combining various activities, that is, Source, Target, Schema, Mapping, or Transformer creates a process flow.  A Process Engine controls the execution of a process by starting the execution of process flow instances and all the activities present in a process flow. When the process flow is executed, data from the source is converted to the intermediate form and dispatched to the target. The transformer does the conversion of data. There are two types of transformers in Adeptia:

  • Stream2XMLStream/XMLStream2stream: This transformer converts the source data to XML (Stream2XMLStream) and then XML to target data (XMLStream2Stream).
  • SchemaStream2Record/SchemaRecord2Stream: This transformer converts source data to an intermediate format (SchemaStream2Record) and then intermediate format to target data (SchemaRecord2Stream).

When the process flow is executed, data from the source is converted to the intermediate form and then dispatched to the target. The intermediate data is stored in a repository folder (.../AdeptiaInstallFolder/AdeptiaServer-x.x/ServerKernel/web/repository). Another folder is created representing the group which executed the process flow. All the files that are created during the activity, design, and running of the process flow, are stored in the group folder and this group folder is stored inside the repository folder. While creating a process flow, a user can specify whether to keep or delete the repository folder.

Activities of a process flow are executed in the following two ways:

  • Synchronous Activity: If an activity is synchronous, process flow initiates the execution of that activity, and waits for its completion. The execution of the subsequent activity is initiated only after the completion of the first activity.
  • Asynchronous Activity: If an activity is asynchronous, process flow initiates the execution of that activity and subsequent activities, as defined in the process flow without waiting for the completion of the first activity.

    Repository file is not generated for the activities used in the Asynchronous mode.

    Controlling Synchronization

    In a process flow, if an activity is synchronous, no signal is required to acknowledge the Process Engine about its completion as it runs in the main thread. If an activity is asynchronous, running parallel to the main thread, some mechanism is required to notify the Process Engine about its completion. This is achieved by signalling.

    Signaling facilitates coordination of asynchronous activities in a process flow. A signal is raised as an asynchronous activity completes. The Synch Node in the process flow waits for signal and ensures that all the activities raising that signal are completed before control moves further in the process flow. This is done using the Synch Node option while defining a process flow.

    Time Out
    When an activity is used as asynchronous, a new property TimeOut is added to it. By default, its value is 300 seconds. If an asynchronous activity cannot connect to the next activity within this time limit, it gets aborted. For information on how to use an activity in asynchronous mode and changes its property, refer to Creating Process Flow.

Following are the major subsections:

Section NameDescription
Understanding Process DesignerIntroduces Process Designer concepts, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, and components.
Creating Process FlowStep-by-step instructions for beginners to create a Process Flow using Process Designer.

Activating or Deactivating Process Flow

Learn how to activate or deactivate Process Flow.
Testing a Process FlowKnow the behavior of Process Flow before executing in the production environment.
Understanding ValidationIntroduces Validation concept, categories, messages, and disabling validation in the Process Designer.

Changing Transformer Type

Types of Transformers and how to change the transformer type in a process flow.
Using Multiple SelectionsLearn how to select multiple BPMN elements from the flow canvas in the Process Designer.
Using Zoom In and Zoom OutLearn how to perform zoom in and zoom out operations in the flow canvas.
Using Actions In Process FlowKnow the actions available to control the process flow and how to add them in the Process Flow.
Creating Process Flow VariableLearn how to create Process Flow variable and how to use them during execution.
Creating Context VariableStep-by-step instructions to create context variables in a Process Flow.

Using Context Source and Context Target

Know how Process Flow sends and receive data to and from Context Source/Target activity.

Overriding Process Flow Description at Runtime

Learn how to override the description of a Process Flow during runtime.

Overriding Activity of a Process Flow at Runtime

Learn how to override activities of a Process Flow at runtime, activities that can be overridden, overriding subject and body of an email sent for Human Workflow Task, overriding assignee role, and user of a Human Workflow Task.

Overriding Record or Field Delimiters at Runtime

Learn how to override the record or field delimiters of a Process Flow at runtime.
Processing Record QueueIntroduction to Record Queue Processor, working, and processing records using Record Queue Processor.
Adding Conditions in Process FlowLearn how to add conditions in a Process Flow using Process Flow variable, Java, and expression builder.
Defining Sequence Flow OrderingKnow how to specify the ordering of the execution of the transitions.
Creating Multiple StreamsStep-by-step instructions to create multiple streams for an activity.
Handling Error RecordsStep-by-step instructions to handle error records.
Using Stream SelectorIntroduction to Stream Collector and how to use in the Process Designer.
Using Repeater NodeIntroduction to Repeater Node and how to use in the Process Designer.
Using Stream ConsumerIntroduction to Stream Consumer and how to use in the Process Designer.
Using Error Intermediate EventIntroduction to Error Intermediate Event and how to use in the Process Designer.
Creating Exception Handler ScriptIntroduction to Exception Handler Script. Instructions to create Global Exception Handler Script and Activity Exception Handler Script are also provided.
Using Compression or DecompressionIntroduction to Compression and Decompression and how to use in the Process Designer.
Using Custom Report in Process FlowIntroduction to Custom Report and instructions to use it in the Process Designer are also provided.

Attaching Mail Notification to a Process Flow

Learn how to attach email notification at the end of a Process Flow.
Generating PDF file of Process FlowKnow the types of PDF that can be generated from the Process Designer. Instructions to generate PDF of a Process Flow are also provided.

Working with Process Designer in Offline and Online Modes

Step-by-step instructions to switch from online mode to offline mode and vice versa.

Executing a Process Flow

Step-by-step instructions to execute a process flow manually or automatically.

Usage Recommendation

Points to keep in mind while using Process Designer.

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