Using Data Viewer

Using Data Viewer

Data Viewer is an advanced feature of Data Mapper which is used to view actual input and output data after applying mapping rules. In data viewer, you can upload actual input file and view the actual output. It also display error records (if any). Additionally, it also validates the enumerated values and displays the list of enumerated literals for the destination element in case XML Schema is used at destination. 

Data Viewer is helpful if you want to know what will be the output of the mapper. In this case you need not to execute the process flow. You can simply upload the source file and view input and output record. 

Steps to use Data Viewer

  1. Ensure that the source and destination layouts are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
  2. Map source and destination elements and apply the mapping rule as per your need.
  3. To use Data Viewer, click the Data Viewer tab from Mapping Functional Panel. Alternatively, click icon to expand the mapping Function Panel and select Data Viewer tab.

  4. To attach the source file, click the Attach Datasheet and select the source file. Click Open to load the file.

  5. Source Data is displayed in the Source Schema panel in Grid View.

    By default maximum 50 records are displayed in the Data Viewer. To view more records, go to Open > Preferences > Miscellaneous and select Set Data Viewer Record Count and enter the desired value. When you change this value, you need re-attach the source.

  6. Click Delete  icon to delete the Source file.

  7. To view the source data in Tree View, click the Tree View  icon. 

  8. To view the values of the record, click [+] to expand the Record.

  9. Similarly to view values of other records, expand other records.
  10. If there is any error encountered in the source data, those error records are shown in the Error View. To view the error records, click Error View icon.

  11. To view the output record, click the Generate Output button. The generated output records are displayed in the Destination panel.

  12. To view the error records at the destination end, click Errors tab of destination panel of Data Viewer. It displays:
    • The number of errors occurred during transformation
    • The list of errors occurred during transformation
    • List of enumerated literals for the destination element if invalid data is mapped to the destination element which is restricted to the enumerated values

  13. You can also view the output data in hierarchy view, by clicking the Tree View button.