Multi-Mode Authentication

Multi-Mode Authentication

Mutli-mode authtentication allows users to log in to Adeptia Connect using both SAML and LDAP type of authentication. To use this feature, ensure that you have enabled both SAML and LDAP in Adeptia Connect. When both these authentication types are enabled, by default multi-mode authentication gets activated in Adeptia Connect and the user will be directed to the login page that has options to Login with LDAP or with SAML SSO.

Here, company user can do default login (LDAP) by giving User Name and Password, and the partner user can click Login with SAML SSO to login with SAML.

If the user chooses to Login with SAML SSO, he would be redirected to the IDP and verifies if the user has a valid session with IDP. In case, the session is invalid, then the user will have to provide the credentials of IDP portal to login.