Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



 Can I edit my Company details?

Yes, you can edit the details of your Company.

 Can I change my Company name?

Yes, you can change your Company name by editing your Company details.

 Can I change my password to login to Adeptia Connect?

Yes, you can change the password to login to Adeptia Connect. It is recommended to change the default password for security reasons.

 How can I provide Host ID to configure EDI Settings?

Go to Account > My Company > Edit > EDI Configurations.



 What are the different user types in Adeptia Connect?

There are three types of users - IT User, Business User, and Sys Admin. The role of each user differs at the Company level and the Partner level.

 What are the roles of IT User and Business User?

The users' rights may vary depending upon their role defined at a Company or Partner level.

 Can a Business User create a Template or a Transaction?

No. Only a Company administrator and an IT User can create a Template or a Transaction. However, it is recommended that only an IT User creates a Template or Transaction.

 Can I edit details of a User?
 Can I restrict access of a particular User to Adeptia Connect?

Yes, for this you need to deactivate the User account.

 Can a Business User edit details of a User?

No, only a Company administrator and an IT User can edit the details of a User.

 Is the role of a User can change?

Yes. Only a Company administrator and an IT User are allowed to change the role of a User.

 How can I view the status of the invitation sent to the Users?

You can view the status of the invitation from the SENT INVITES group.

 Can I resend the invitation to a particular User?

Yes, you can resend the invitation to a particular User.

 Can I authorize another User to use my objects?

Yes, you can authorize another user to use your objects by moving your objects to that User. You can move your objects to another User of the same type, that is, IT to IT User and Business to Business User.

 Can I delete a particular User?

Yes, but before deleting a User either delete all objects of User or move objects to another User. 



 How can I rename my Network?

You can rename the Network by editing a Network.

 Can I publish a Network as a link?

Yes, you can publish a Network as a link by clicking Publish as link check box while adding a Network.

 Can I view Partners of a particular Network?
 Can I delete a Partner of a particular Network?

Yes, you can delete all or a particular Partner of a Network.

 Can I delete a particular Network?

You can only delete a Network if it has no Partners. Therefore, you should either delete all the partners of the network or move these partners to a different network.

 Can I view the Transactions of a particular Network?

 Yes, you can view the Transactions created for a particular Network.



 What is self onboarding?

Self onboarding means to self onboard to self-manage your own Transactions.

 Can I allow self on boarding to my Partner?

Yes, a Partner can be self onboard to self-manage their Transactions.

 Can I add one Partner to more than one Network?

Yes, you can add a Partner to multiple Networks provided they are non-parameterized Networks.

 How can I configure EDI settings for a Partner?

Based on the option (internal, external, and ask) specified in the application.properties file, steps to configure EDI settings for a Partner varies. Click here to know more.

 How can I configure a variable for a Partner?

Based on the option (internal, external, and ask) specified in the application.properties file, steps to configure a variable for a Partner varies. Click here to know more.

 How can I move a Partner from a Network to another?

Edit the Partner and change the Network from the Edit Partner window.

 How can I restrict Partner access to Adeptia Connect?

You need to deactivate the Partner account to restrict access to Adeptia Connect.

 Can my Company trace and view my resources?

Yes, your Company can trace and view your following resources:

 Can I delete a Partner?

Yes, you can delete a Partner. On deleting a Partner, all the Transactions of a Partner will get deleted automatically.



 Who can create a Template?

Only a Company administrator and an IT User can create a Template. However, it is recommended that an IT User creates a Template.

 Are there any prebuilt Templates in Adeptia Connect?

Yes, you can find following prebuilt Templates in Adeptia Connect:

  • Data Integration - A Template to be used by the Company to exchange data between two applications.
  • EDI Inbound - A Template to be used by the Company to receive EDI data from the Partner.
  • EDI Outbound - A Template to be used by the Company to send EDI data to the Partner.
 How many types of Templates are there in Adeptia Connect?

There are following four types of Templates in Adeptia Connect:

Using any of the above template types, you can create following two types of Templates: Inbound and Outbound. However, with Custom Template Type, you can also create Partner to Partner Exchange Template to exchange data between the Partners.

 How can I create a Template?

Following are the steps to create either an Inbound or Outbound Template:

  1. Provide the definition of the Template
  2. Define the source application of the Template
  3. Define the target application of the Template
  4. Define the mapping of the Template

Click here to know more.

 I want to send EDI data to my Partner. Which type of Template I need to create?

You need to create an EDI Template to send or receive EDI data to/from the Partner.

 I want to send or receive data from business applications. Which type of Template I need to create?

You need to create an App Template to send or receive data from business applications.

 I want to send or receive data from file applications. Which type of Template I need to create?

You need to create a File Template to send or receive data from file applications. 

 I want to customize the activities used in the process flow. Which type of Template I need to create?

You need to create a Custom Template to customize the activities used in the process flow. You can create a process flow as per your requirement.

 I want to exchange data between the Partners. Which type of Template I need to create?

You need to create a Partner to Partner Exchange Template to exchange data between the Partners. 

 Which type of applications Adeptia Connect supports?

Adeptia Connect supports following two types of applications:

  • Business-based applications, and
  • File-based applications.

Click here for the complete list of supported applications.

 How can I allow my Partner to define layout and mapping?

You need to select the Partner will define option while selecting the data format.

 Is it mandatory to allow Partner to define Source application while creating an Inbound Template and Destination application while creating an Outbound template?

Yes, it is mandatory to allow Partner to define Source application while creating an Inbound Template and Destination application while creating an Outbound Template but it is not mandatory in case of File Template. While creating a File Inbound or Outbound template, Company can define both Source and Destination application account and configuration details.

 What I have to do if I want to process the duplicate file again?

You need to select the Process Duplicate Files check box while configuring the Source application.

 What I have to do if I want to delete the file once it is processed?

Select Delete File on Success check box. On selecting this check box, when the Transaction will execute, it will automatically delete your file once it is processed.

 While using FTP or Dropbox application at Destination, a unique id gets appended to the output file name after each execution. What I need to do to have the output file name without id?

You need to select the Overwrite this file check box while configuring the application in a Template. In this case, a unique id will not be appended and the target file will be overwritten by the new file, for example, filename.txt.

 What are the source and target formats available in Adeptia Connect?

The available formats are Text, Advanced Text, Excel, XML, JSON, EDI, Positional, and Advanced Positional.

 What I have to do if my source file is in encrypted format?

Select Is Source File encrypted check box while defining the Source application.

 Can I create a same Template for multiple Networks?

Yes, you need to select the Networks' name while creating a Template.

 Can I change the assigned Network of a particular Template?

Yes, you need to edit the Template to change the assigned Network.

 How can I restrict access to a particular Template?

 You need to deactivate the Template or turn OFF to restrict access to a particular Template.

 Can I grant Template access to the particular Partner(s)?

Yes, you can grant Template access to only self onboarded Partner(s).

 Can I copy a Template?

Yes, you can copy all the objects of a Template and use it for creating another Template. When you copy a Template, all the accounts, layouts, and mapping used in the Template will get copied to another Template.

 Can I use a Process Flow or Transaction while creating a Template?

Yes, you need to use a Post Process app as a Destination application while creating a Template.

 What type of operations I can perform while mapping the Source and Destination elements?

You can perform the following operations while mapping the elements.


  • Mapping Functions

  • Copying Expression

  • Cloning a Node

  • Adding Value Map

  • Adding Variables

  • Applying Filter

  • Indenting Mapping Output

  • Adding Namespace

  • Filtering Empty Elements

  • Mapping Streaming

Click here to know more.

 Which type of applications I can choose in case Custom template has multiple Source and Destination applications?
  • In case, there are multiple sources in the Process Flow then while creating a Template: 
    • The source set as a trigger can use any application, but for the sources other than trigger can use only following applications: File, FTP, Database, JMS, Email, and Spazio MFT/s. 

  • In case, there are multiple destinations in the Process Flow then while creating the Template: 
    • The target set as a destination and target other than set destination can use any of the supported applications. 
 I have installed Adeptia Connect on multiple environments. What I need to do to identify from which environment this notification email comes?

You need to specify the environment name in the property (Configure > Developer Studio > Proceed > Administer > Setup > Update System Properties > Systems > Personalization) to receive environnment name in the email.

 Can I migrate objects of a Template to another environment?

Yes, you can migrate objects of a Template from one environment of Adeptia Connect to another using Migration utility bundled with the package.



 How can I execute a Transaction?

 You can execute a Transaction either automatically or manually.

 Can I edit a Transaction?

Yes, you can edit a Transaction if it is in OFF state.

 Can I delete a Transaction?

Yes, you can delete a Transaction if it is in OFF state.

 What are the options available to trigger my Transaction?

You can trigger a Transaction by using any one of the following options - Polling and Cron Expression.

 Can I copy a Transaction?

Yes, you can copy all the objects of a Transaction and use it for creating another Transaction. When you copy a Transaction, all the accounts, layouts, and mapping used in the Transaction will get copied to another Transaction

 Can I migrate objects of a Transaction to another environment?

Yes, you can migrate objects of a Transaction from one environment of Adeptia Connect to another using Migration utility bundled with the package.

 How can I view the execution details of my Transaction?

You can view the execution details of your EDI and Non-EDI Transactions from the Dashboard screen.

 Can I view the execution details of a Post Process Transaction?

Yes, you can view the execution details of all the Transactions and Process Flows called in the Post Process Transaction from the Transactions section on the Dashboard screen.

 What can I do if my Transaction aborts?

You can Re-run the aborted Transactions after rectifying an error. You can only Re-run the Transaction till the time its reprocessing file is available and not deleted by the cleanup job.

 I have installed Adeptia Connect on multiple environments. What I need to do to identify from which environment this notification email comes?

You need to specify the environment name in the property (Configure > Developer Studio > Proceed > Administer > Setup > Update System Properties > Systems > Personalization) to receive environment name in the email.

Web Forms


 What kind of forms I can create?

You can create following three kinds of Web Forms:

  • Form: A single page step form.
  • Wizard: A wizard type would contain a complex form with multiple steps in different pages. For example, if you have a large form for entering user data, you would create a wizard form to divide the detail fields into a series of steps. At runtime, the wizard form would display the Web Form asking to fill the details like any other online complex form.
  • Custom: A customized web page developed in EXT-JS.
 How can I use a Web Form to transfer data to the Destination application?

You need to:

  1. First, create a Web Form of Template/Transaction type.
  2. Activate the form.
  3. Create a template and select Web Form app while configuring the Source application.
  4. Select On Form Submit as a trigger.
  5. Select the web form.
  6. Select the destination application.
  7. Follow the steps and create a Template.
  8. Create a transaction using this template.
  9. After you have created a Transaction, click Run Now.
  10. The web form appears. Fill the details on the form and then click Submit

Click here for more detailed instructions.

 Can I grant Web Form access to the Partner?

Yes, you can only allow Partners of the Network(s), for which Web Form is created, to access Web Form. After granting an access, Partner can use the Web Form. 

There are two conditions for granting access to a particular Web Form:

  • The Web Form must be activated.
  • The Partner to whom you are granting access is self onboarded.
 What happens if I don't activate a Web Form?

If you don't activate a Web Form then you can not use a Web Form in a Template and your Partners are not able to access it.



 What I need to do to allow LDAP users to access Adeptia Connect?

You need to configure LDAP properties in Adeptia Suite to allow LDAP users to access Adeptia Connect.

 How Adeptia Suite user will behave in Adeptia Connect?

Following is the table maps AIS users with the users of Adeptia Connect. This information will help you while configuring LDAP in Adeptia Connect with pre-existing users in AIS LDAP.

AIS User Role
Corresponding Role in Adeptia Connect
System AdminSystem Admin
Group AdminIT User
DeveloperBusiness User
Business UserNA
 Can I configure an Adeptia Suite user as a user other than its corresponding role?

Yes, if you want to configure an AIS user as a user other than its corresponding role in Adeptia Connect, then you should configure that user in the relevant property. For example, if you want your Adeptia Suite Developer User to be configured as an IT User in Adeptia Connect then you need to configure the group name in the abpm.ldap.group.itUsers property. Users of this group will be treated as IT Users in Adeptia Connect after logging in. For more information, click here.

 Can I manage LDAP users and Groups in Adeptia Connect?

No, once you configure Adeptia Suite to use LDAP Server for Authentication, you can manage Users and Groups in LDAP Server only. You cannot create or modify any user or group in Adeptia Suite.

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