Generating PDF file of Process Flow

The process flow information can be saved in a PDF file for documentation purpose. There are three types of PDF files that can be generated from the Process Designer.

  • Graph PDF: It only contains the screenshot of the process flow created in the Graph Canvas area.
  • Summary PDF: It contains the activity details of the process flow. It is implemented only for mapping and schema.
  • Entire Flow PDF: It contains information regarding each and every activity of the process flow. List of information contained in the Entire Flow PDF is as below.

    Process Flow Details

    • Process Flow Name
    • Process Flow ID
    • Process Flow Description
    • Creation Date
    • Modification Date
    • Debug Level
    • Group Owner

    Process Variable Details

    • Key or Name of the Variable
    • Initial Value
    • Type (Global or Activity)
    • Activity Name (If the Type is activity)
    • Activity Label used in Process Designer
    • Activity Type

    Graph Canvas Entity

    • Name
    • Description
    • User Owner
    • Group Owner
    • Creation Date
    • Modification Date
    • Permission
    • Comment
    • Label
    • Inbound Connecting Objects
    • Outbound Connecting Objects
    • Activity-specific information

To generate PDF file of a process flow:

  1. In the Process Designer, click  from the toolbar. 

  2. On the PDF Generation window, select the type of PDF you want to generate.

  3. On the Save window, select the folder where you want to save. By default, the PDF will be generated with the process flow name. However, you can also change the name of the PDF file from the File name.
  4. Click Save. The PDF file is saved in the specified folder.