6.9.3 Release Highlights
- Nitin Beri (Unlicensed)
Owned by Nitin Beri (Unlicensed)
What’s new in this release?
You will find the text in the blue color on the pages of What's New links. This has been done to easily identify the changes done on the page.
- Support for Intelligent Throttling by Pausing a Process Flow
Adeptia Suite can now be configured to pause an activity in a process flow in case there are not enough system resources available for the execution. Click here to know more about this feature. This feature is controlled by licence, contact Adeptia Support for appropriate licence. (AS-11369) - Support to Override Event Parameters
You can now override parameters of an event at run-time during activation of that event. (AS-11174) - Support to Automatically Activate Events after the Fresh Install
System now has the support to can now auto activate all events (that were in active mode) after the fresh install of Adeptia Suite's build.
- Support for Processing Large XLSX File in Streaming Mode
You can now process a large XLSX file in a streaming mode to save run time memory and the process flow from failure. (AS-11198) - Support for CC and BCC in Mail Target
User can now use CC and BCC addresses while creating a Mail Target. Click here to know how use CC & BCC in a mail target (#10600). - Support for Enclosed Target Fields in Double Quotes Feature in Advanced Text Schema
User can now enclose the target field values in double quotes while creating Advanced Text Schema also. Earlier this feature was available only in Text Schema (#11353)
Bug Fixes
Following issues have been fixed in this release:
- While overriding the access-control-allow-origin field dynamically in Web service Provider, it would shows * in the field (#10206)
- After deploying Data Security, system populated with the PGP Key from Key manager and showed Default in the Key Name whereas the Key Manager folder was present in Shared path \etc\security\ (#10567).
- The actual value for "abpm.ldap.bindCredential" was visible to Group Admins only in an unencrypted format (#11348).
- If Process Flow failed at an activity/service level, then the exception would only be found in ServiceExceptionScript. Whereas, exception should have been found in ProcessFlowExceptionScript also (#11264).
- Vault Feature had issues if Adeptia Suite is opened on Internet Explorer (AS-11322).
- In the Advanced Properties of XML Schema, the XML Validator field option is displayed in Text box (AS-11301).
When text schema was used at target, an extra blank line was added at the end of the generated text file. This caused problem while processing (#10421).
- While executing the EDI schema with file source in Async mode then Process flow used to get aborted with the following message: "Error(s) found while parsing the source file” (AS-11354).
- EDIConversationRetransmitter flow used to get aborted while re-transmitting Interchange or Transaction in an EDI relationship (AS-10664).
Numbers mentioned in the parens (AS-1234 and #1234) are for the internal reference, external users may avoid these ticket numbers.
See also: