Overriding Event Parameters

Overriding Event Parameters

You can override event parameters, and this can be done by changing value of certain properties in Adeptia Suite. However, you can not override "HTTP" and "Complex" events.

  1. Login to Adeptia Suite.
  2. Go to Administer > Setup > Update System Properties > Services and click Event.
  3. Set value of abpm.event.parametersOverriding.enable to true.
  4. After setting this value go to Administer > Setup > Update System Properties > Shared Path.
  5. In the abpm.event.parameters.fileLocation, the default location of the file (eventParameters.json) is set to etc. If you want to change the file location, provide the folder path of the file in this property. Ensure that the file with name eventParameters.json is present in the folder location you have given.

    In case of clustered deployment, user should place eventParameters.json file in defined shared location of the cluster in order to share the file to all the nodes of cluster.

  6. If parameters are found in this file, system will override these parameters while the events are activated.

    A user can also provided the parameter value from the System Properties. For example, if the user has defined a parameter value as SystemProperty.ftpPort in the System Properties, then during the activation of events, system fetches the value from System Properties.

List of Parameter Events

Following is the category-wise list of the event parameters that can be overridden. Click on the events to know the related details. 

 Application Event Parameters
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comments (Use of Parameters)
Trigger TypetriggerTypeStringnewfileindirectoryCriteria on which event should be triggered.
Application AccountaccountIdStringEX:

Application Accounts typed Id.
FolderfileBaseLocationString Folder path.
Search CrietriafilterInString*.txtDefine file search criteria
Run Initial LoadrunInitialLoadBooleanTrue or FalseEnable if you want to process all the existing records or files on first activation of this event.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls
 Calendar Event Parameters
Possible Values

"AllDays", "BusinessDays", "WeekDays"

 Database Event Parameters
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comments (Use of parameters)
Database InfodbConnectionInfoIdStringEx:
Provide database info typed Id.
SQL QuerysqlQueryStringSelect count(*) from tableName;

Enter SQL query to check if the required data is available in the table
For Ex: If the event is to be triggered when the total number of records in table are greater than 10, then query will be, 'Select count(*) from tablename'.

Trigger For All RecordstriggerForAllRecordsBooleanTrue or FalseOverride if you want to trigger process flow for all records present in result set of SQL query.
Check ConditioncheckConditionBooleanTrue or FalseOverride if the result of the select query is to be compared with the conditional value.
The relational operator which relates the result of the select query with the conditional value.
ValueconditionValueString Provided value is compared with the result of the SQL query for triggering of the event.
Execute Update QueryexecuteUpdateQueryBooleanTrue or FalseUse if you want to execute an update query.
Update QueryupdateColumnNameString Provide and update query.
Where ClauseupdateWhereConditionString Provide the where clause.
SQL TriggerdbtriggerString Provide the Database Trigger code.
SQL Trigger NametriggerNameString Provide SQL Trigger name.
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Event Expiry DateeventExpiryDateTimeString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
Override the trigger type.
Firing DayscalendarTypeStringAllDays, 
In case Trigger is Cron, override calendar days, event should  fire.
Firing SchedulebusinessIntervalString
In case Trigger is Cron then provide the cron expression.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls
 File Event Parameters
Trigger TypetriggerTypeString"FileCreated", "FileExists", "FileModified"Criteria on which event should be triggered
Check for File ModificationcheckModifiedBooleantrue or falseOverride if you want event to check for File Modification in addition to File Creation
Run Initial LoadrunInitialLoadBooleantrue or falseEnable it if you want to process all the existing files at the time of activation.
Don't Process Duplicate FilesprocessDuplicateFileBooleantrue or falseThis will not process any file that has already been processed during last 30 (default) days. To know how to change the default value click here
File Include CriteriafilterInString*.txt, *.json etcInclude files participating in event. Separate multiple files by comma. Wild characters are allowed, e.g. *.*, *, ?, [a-c]*.txt
File Exclude CriteriafilterOutString*.xml etcExclude files not participating in event. Separate multiple files by comma. Wild characters are allowed, e.g. *.*, *, ?, [a-c]*.txt
File Base LocationfileBaseLocationString/Adeptia/orderFile Base Location
Use VFSuseWindowsServiceBooleantrue or falseOverride if want to use VFS service to connect to remote machine
SecuresecureBooleantrue or falseOverride if source is password protected
User IduserIdString Override user Id (In case secure is selected)
PasswordpasswordString Override password (In case secure is selected)
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Event Expiry DateeventExpiryDateTimeString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
Override the trigger type.
Firing DayscalendarTypeStringAllDays, 
In case Trigger is Cron, override calendar days, event should  fire.
Firing SchedulebusinessIntervalString
In case Trigger is Cron then provide the cron expression.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls
File Stable TimestableTimeString2$m means 2 minute
20$s means 20 second
Provide time period in which file must remain unmodified before a file trigger should fire
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comment (Use of parameter)
 FTP Event Parameters



Trigger TypetriggerTypeString"FileCreated", "FileExists", "FileModified"Criteria on which event should be triggered
Run Initial LoadrunInitialLoadBooleanTrue or FalseEnable it if you want to process all the existing files at the time of activation.
Don't Process Duplicate FilesprocessDuplicateFileBooleanTrue or FalseThis will not process any file that has already been processed during last 30 (default) days. To know how to change the default value click here
SFTPsecuredBooleanTrue or FalseEnable for transferring file using SSH.
Key ManagerkeyManagerStringEX: 
Provide keyManager Typed Id when SFTP is enabled.
FTPSftpOverSSLBooleanTrue or FalseEnable if FTPS server supports TLS and SSL protocols.
FTPS ModeftpsModeStringExplicit,
In case FTPS is enabled, provide the security mode that will be used to connect to the FTP server, default port for explicit mode is 21 and for implicit is 990.
Protection LevelftpProtectionLevelStringNone,
In case FTPS is enabled, provide the data Channel Protection Level for FTPS.
Validate ServerftpValidateServerBooleanTrue or Falsevalidate server certificate.
Keystore NamekeyStoreNameForFTPStringEX:
Provide keystore typed Id.
File Include CriteriafilterInString*.txt, *.json etcInclude files participating in event. Separate multiple files by comma. Wild characters are allowed, e.g. *.*, *, ?, [a-c]*.txt
File Exclude CriteriafilterOutString*.xml etcExclude files not participating in event. Separate multiple files by comma. Wild characters are allowed, e.g. *.*, *, ?, [a-c]*.txt
File Base LocationfileBaseLocationString/Adeptia/orderFile Base Location
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Event Expiry DateeventExpiryDateTimeString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
Override the trigger type.
Firing DayscalendarTypeStringAllDays, 
In case Trigger is Cron, override calendar days, event should  fire.
Firing SchedulebusinessIntervalString
In case Trigger is Cron then provide the cron expression.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls
File Stable TimestableTimeString2$m means 2 minute
20$s means 20 second
Provide time period in which file must remain unmodified before a file trigger should fire
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comment (Use of parameter)
Host namehostNameStringEX: FTP.server.com or server host name.
PortportIntegerEX: 21FTP server port number.
User IdftpUserIdString FTP server connection userId.
PasswordftpPasswordStringpassword in plain text formatFTP server connection password.
Transfer TypetransferTypeStringACTIVE,
Provide transfer type to be used.



 JMS Event Parameter
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comments (Use of Parameters)


Provide JMS provider typed Id.
Connection TypequeueOrTopicStringQUEUE,
provide the JMS connection type.
Durable SubscriberdurableSubscriberBooleanTrue or FalseProvide if subscriber is durable.
SubscriberIDsubscriberIDString Provide subscriber Id.
Queue Or Topic NamequeueOrtopicNameString Provide Queue or Topic name
Message TypemessageTypeString


Provide message type.
MessageSelectormessageSelectorString Select messages based on some search criteria.
UserNameuserNameString JMS provider user id.
PasswordjmsPasswordString JMS Provider password.
Provide session is Non-Transactional or Transactional.
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Event Expiry DateeventExpiryDateTimeString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls

 Mail Event Parameters
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comments (Use of parameters)
Incoming mail server protocol.
Incoming Mail ServerhostNameStringpop.gmail.comIncoming server host name.
DomaindomainString Provide the domain where the CDO host machine belongs
CDO host machinecdoMachineString  
Security TypesecurityTypeStringSSL,
Provide the security type that will use during connection to mail server.
PortportString Incoming mail server port number.
User IdmailUserIdString Provide the mail login user id.
PasswordmailPasswordString Provide the mail login password.
Sender E-mailsenderEmailString Sender E-mail Id.Wild characters are allowed, e.g.  *, ?, [a-z]*,[A-Z]b,[0-9].
Mail SubjectmailSubjectString E-mail subject.Wild characters are allowed, e.g.  *, ?, [a-z]*,[A-Z]b,[0-9]
Mail ContentmailContentString E-mail Content.Wild characters are allowed, e.g.  *, ?, [a-z]*,[A-Z]b,[0-9]
File AttachmentfilterCriteriaString The name of attached file in the mail. For Microsoft Outlook Express, if file specified does not have extension then give '.dat' for extension.Wild characters are allowed, e.g.  *, ?, [a-z]*,[A-Z]b,[0-9].
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Event Expiry DateeventExpiryDateTimeString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
Polling FrequencypollingFrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Time delay that should exist between successive polls
 Timer Event Parameters
Display Name
Variable Name
Data Type
Possible Values
Comment (Use of Paremters)
Event Start DateeventStartDateTimeString06/27/2018 19:20Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should start firing. If you want to start the event immediately after activating, then don't override this parameter.
Expiry CriteriaexpiryCriteriaString06/30/2018 00:00Enter the date time in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format when event should stop firing. If you want that the event should never expire, then don't override this parameter.
FrequencyfrequencyStringEx : 
10$y means 10 years
10$M means 10 months
10$w means 10 weeks
10$d means 10 days
10$H means 10 hour
10$m means 10 minute
10$s means 10 second
Provide how frequently event should fire(Required for expiry criteria:Repeat Count and Expiry By Date/Time).



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