Exporting Objects - Noninteractive
Exporting Objects - Noninteractive
In a noninteractive mode, you can export the objects using export.xml file. To export objects:
- Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\MigrationUtility folder.
- Open connect_export.xml in the Text Editor and do the following:
- Provide the location of Adeptia Connect Installation directory till Connect Server folder in the <SourceInstallDir> tag, for example, C:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect 3.2\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer.
- Provide the location where you want to create the export zip along with the file name in the <TargetZipLoc> tag, for example, C:/AdeptiaSuite/export.zip.
Select the entity you want to export. Type TXN to export Transactions, TT to export Templates, or WF to export Web Forms.
You can select only one entity.- Depending upon the entity you are exporting, the next step differ.
If you are exporting Transactions, then do the following:In the Partners tag, in the type parameter, type either internal or external to export the Transactions. You can either export the Transactions of a Partner managed by your Company or a self onboarded Partner. Type internal to export the Transactions of a Partner managed by your Company or external to export Transactions of a self onboarded Partner.
You can select multiple Partners, in case you select internal option. However, you can only select one Partner in external option.- Type the Partner name whose Transactions you want to export in the name parameter of Partner tag.
- Type the Transactions name to export in the Transaction tag.
If you are exporting Web Forms, then type the Web Forms name in the WebForm tag. - Save the file.
- Provide the location of Adeptia Connect Installation directory till Connect Server folder in the <SourceInstallDir> tag, for example, C:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect 3.2\AdeptiaConnect-3.2\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer.
- Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux).
- Go to the directory .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel folder.
- Run the following command:
For Windows:
migrationutility.bat –export <path of the export.xml file>
For Linux:
./migrationutility.sh –export <path of the export.xml file>
<path of the export.xml file> is location of export.xml file.
This exports your entities in noninteractive mode.
, multiple selections available,