Importing Objects - Noninteractive

In a noninteractive mode, you can import the objects using import.xml file.

If you want to retain the activities while importing the objects then you need to configure the parameters in the retain.xml that you want to retain. You will find retain.xml in the .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/MigrationUtility folder. For more information, refer to Structure of Retain XML.

To import objects:

  1. Go to .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/MigrationUtility folder.
  2. Open import.xml in the Text Editor and do the following:
    1. Type the location of the zip file that you want to import in the <SourceZipLoc>.
    2. Type the Adeptia Suite location (till Adeptia Server) on which zip is to be deployed in the <TargetInstallDir>.
    3. Type the location of “retain.xml” file in the <RetainXMlLocation>
    4. Type the User Id of the user to whom you want to provide the ownership of the objects that you are deploying from the Source environment in the <OverrideUser>.
    5. Save the file.

  3. Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux).
  4. Go to the directory .../<AdeptiaInstallFolder>/ AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel folder.
  5. Run the following command:

    For Windows:
    migrationutility.bat –import <path of the import.xml file>

    For Linux:
    ./ –import <path of the import.xml file>

               <path of the import.xml file> is location of import.xml file.

    This imports your entities in noninteractive mode.