Exporting Transactions - Linux

Using Migration utility, you can export either a single Transaction or all Transactions of a Partner. When you migrate a Transaction, it implicitly migrates all dependent activities (like layouts, mappings, etc.) with it.


Ensure that you have:

  • Transactions created in Adeptia Connect.
  • Run the Migration utility and selected Export option.

To export Transactions:

  1. Type 1 to export Transactions and press ENTER key.

  2. You can either export the Transactions of a Partner managed by your Company or a self onboarded Partner. Type 1 to export Transactions of a Partner managed by your Company or type 2 to export Partner Transactions.


    You can select multiple Partners, in case you are exporting Transactions of a Partner managed by your Company. However, you can only select one Partner if you are exporting Transactions of a self onboarded Partner. 
  3. Select the Partner(s) whose Transactions you want to export and press ENTER key. You can separate multiple Partners by a comma (,) or in the range (1-10) or a combination of both (1, 2, 5-10, 12-15, 20).


    If you select multiple Partners or all Partners then you can't select the Transaction. In this case, the utility will export all the Transactions of the selected Partners.

    Partner name (self) indicates your Company name, for example, Adeptia India (self).
  4. Type Y if you want to exclude the Partner related to the Transactions and press ENTER key else type N. 

  5. The list of Transactions of the selected Partner appears. Select the Transaction(s) you want to export and press ENTER key. You can separate multiple Transactions by a comma (,) or in the range (1-10) or a combination of both (1, 2, 5-10, 12-15, 20).

    This screen appears only if you have selected a single Partner.
  6. Type the directory to save the exported file with the zip file name and press ENTER key. You can export the objects in a zip file only. Therefore, it is recommended to give the file name in the zip file format.

  7. The utility starts exporting the objects. A message "Export completed successfully" appears confirming objects have been exported successfully. In case of failure, it displays an error message and rollbacks the entire operation.