Post Patch Application Steps for v6.9.3

After you have applied the patch, you need to configure the following steps:

Updating jetty.xml File

If you need to disable TLS v1.0 in Adeptia Suite, you should perform following steps after the patch application.

  1. Unzip file and Open jetty.xml file.
  2. Copy the text highlighted in the screen shot below. 

  3. Go to the location where Adeptia Suite is installed. 
  4. Go to the folder AdeptiaSuite-x.x\ServerKernel\etc\jetty.
  5. Open Jetty.xml file.
  6. Paste the copied text at the same location.

Updating SAML File

If you want to configure SAML in Adeptia Suite, you must do the following steps before you enable SAML.

  1. Unzip file and copy SAMLSSOConfiguration.xml file.
  2. Go to the location where Adeptia Suite is installed. 
  3. Go to AdeptiaSuite-x.x\ServerKernel\etc\saml folder and paste the copied file.