Creating a Web Form
You can upload the customized form in the following way:
Go to Develop > Web Forms.
- Click Create New to create a new web form.
- Type the name and description of the Web Form in the Name and Description text boxes.
- Select the application type from the Application Type drop-down list. Following are the available options - Custom and Form.
- For Custom application type, you need to upload the file in the Upload File (described later in this section). For Form application type, do the following:
Select the method to create the form from the Form Type drop-down list. The various methods used to create different form types are:
Form Type Descrition You can define the form in a form template
You need to write complete HTML code for the form manually
Allows you to create and design a rich Web Form using Frevvo tool
Wizard Form Create multi-forms using Frevvo tool Click Create Form. This displays the selected design form screen. Create your form.
In case, license error occurred while creating a Web Form using Rich Form, you need to update the license.
- Select Add as Link check box to appear form as a link in the menu (Monitor > My Solutions). If you select the check box, provide the values in the steps 7 to 11 else skip to step 12.
- The Major Category Name will always be populated as MySolutions. You cannot edit this text box.
- Type the minor category name in the MinorLevel Category Name text box.
- Type the name of the link in the Link Name text box.
To trigger a process flow with the Form application type, select Trigger Process and select the process flow to trigger from the Select Process Flow drop-down list. Alternately, to upload custom jsp files, select Customize. Click Add/Remove File(s) to upload the custom JSPs, HTMLs and support files.
Click Browse to select the file to be uploaded. Click Add File to add the selected file. Similarly, you can add multiple files to be uploaded.There is no limit to the number of files that you can upload to Adeptia Suite.
To remove the uploaded file, select the file to remove and click Remove Files. To select all files, click Select All.
Click Finish. This closes the Add/Remove Files screen and displays the selected files in the Upload File.You can upload only JSP and HTML files and all their supported classes and jar files using this feature.
Once the files are uploaded, if an error occurs due to the connection being disconnected, then the system displays an error message.
When you upload the files, a directory is created with the name as specified in Link Name, in the ../../ServerKernel/web/custom folder and the uploaded files are copied into this directory. If your application refers to any JS, CSS or image file, you need to mention the path of these files relative to the custom folder. Following is the sample HTML file.<Html> <TITLE> Adeptia BPM Server </TITLE> <script type="text/javascript" src="Custom/ErrorReports/calendar.js"></script> <Body> <H1> Hi! </H1> <img src='Custom/ErrorReports/nature2.jpg'> </Body> </Html>
Here, ErrorReports is the name of the link.All the uploaded files are displayed in the Main File drop-down list box. Select the file that you want to use as the main file from this list.
- Expand Advanced Properties to set the values of the advance properties related to Web Form. For more information, refer to Changing Advanced Properties.
Click Save.