Configure Mail Server Parameters in Update System Properties

To configure the Mail Server parameters:

  1. Go to Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.

  2. Expand Systems > Mail Server Parameters.

  3. Configure the values in the mail server properties. Click here to know about each property.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Reload Configuration.

Configuring EDI Mail Server parameters in Update System Properties

To configure the EDI Mail Server parameters:

  1. Go to Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.
  2. Expand Solution Properties > EDI Solution Parameters > EDI Configuartion For Mail Notifications.

  3. Refer the following table for the types of errors and their corresponding email configurations.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Reload Configuration.

    Error Type



    Place of Configuration

    System Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds property.

    EDI Solution Parameters. Define the required receiver Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemErrorNotification.receiverEmailIds property.
    For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.



    Message Level


    Email ID mentioned in the trading partner activity.

    • Trading partner contact information. For more details on a trading partner, refer to Creating a New Trading Partner.
    • EDI Solution Parameters, define sender Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.nackNotification.senderEmailId property. For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.



    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the required Email ID in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property. For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.

    Interchange Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.senderEmailId and abpm.solution.edi.notification.interChangeErrorNotification.receiverEmailId property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the sender and the receiver Email IDs in their respective properties. For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.





    Schema Level


    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters, define the required Email IDs in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailI property. For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.



    Email ID mentioned in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

    EDI Solution Parameters.
    Define the required Email ID/s in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property. For more information, refer to Properties of B2BI.