Testing Schema Activity
Once you have created a schema then, you can verify the schema activity. Schema can be tested for both source and target end. In order to test a schema you have to supply the source file, and schema will show you the output file and the error file if any. When a schema is tested, it parses the supplied file as per the structure defined in the schema and generates the output and error files. The output file contains the record which are parsed successfully error file contains the record which are not parsed. Follow the below steps to process of testing a text schema is explained below.
Steps to verify text schema activity
- On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click the Develop tab.
- Go to Services > Schema and then click Text. The Manage Text Schema screen is displayed (refer to Figure 262).
Select the schema activity that you want to test and click Edit link or select the option Edit from the More Actions menu under the Actions column Activity Manage page. This displays the Edit Text Schema screen (see Figure 274).
Figure 274: Edit Text Schema
Click the Test button. The Test Schema screen is displayed (see Figure 275).
Figure 275: Test Schema
- Select the type of schema to test, from the dropdown list Type. By default, Source is selected.
Click the Browse button and select the file which you want to test.
The file extension in this field will vary based on the schema you are testing. If you are testing a text schema then, the file will have .txt extension. If you are testing an excel schema then, the extension will be .xls.
If you want to test this schema for the target end, select Target from the Type dropdown list. Now the source file will be an xml file that the mapping activity generates. In this case, target file will be the file that the schema generates as an output. For example, if you are testing a Text Schema that you are using at the target end then, the target file will be a .txt file.
Click the Submit button. This tests the specified source file according to the defined schema and gives you the link of out files generated.
Once you click the Submit button, there files are generated:
Source File: File which you have selected
Target File: File which is generated by schema as output
Error File: File that contains erroneous record if any.To view the file click on the link of file you want to view.
You can test all the schemas except for Advance Database schema, Database schema, and XML Schema.