Appending Data to an existing target file

Whenever a File Target activity or a LAN File Target activity is executed it creates a new file and writes the data into it. If the file, which is specified in the File Target activity or LAN File Target activity already exists in the target location then it gets overridden by the new file. Sometime you may want to append or add the target data into an existing file. To achieve this, you can enable the append property of File Target activity or LAN File target Activity which is used in your process flow. By default the append property is not enabled. This section explains how to enable append property.

Steps to enable Append property of File Target and LAN File Target.

  1. Open the process flow in which File /LAN file Target activity is used.
  2. Click the File/LAN file Target from the Process Designer. This displays the properties of the activity, in the Property panel.
  3. From the Properties panel, set the value for its append property to True. (see Figure 288 ).
  4. Save the Process flows. Your data would be added to the existing file on execution.

Figure 288: Enabling Append Property for File Target Activity and Lan File Target Activity


This feature is supported for Excel and Text files only. In Excel, append feature is supported only for single sheet and not for multiple sheets. Also, this feature is not possible when you use Time Stamp and Create Unique File options while creating a File Target Activity or a LAN File Target Activity.