Creating LAN File Source Activity

Creating LAN File Source Activity

The LAN File Source activity provides the ability to fetch the data from a file, which is accessible on the Local Area Network (LAN). This feature is available in:





This section describes how to create a LAN Source activity using the following details as an example:

File Name


File Path


Transfer Type


File System


User Id




Steps to create a LAN File Source Activity

  1. On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click the Develop tab.
  2. Go to Services > Source and then click LAN File. The Manage LAN File Source screen is displayed (see Figure 203).

    Figure 203: Manage LAN File Source

  3. Click the Create New link. The Create LAN File Source screen is displayed.
  4. Enter the name and the description of the new LAN File Source in the textboxes Name and Description respectively.
  5. Enter the network path of the source file in the textbox File Path in the following format:

    \\hostname\folder name

    You can also use IP address instead of hostname. Make Sure that the path you have defined, is accessible from the machine where Adeptia Suite is running.

  6. Enter the name of the source file in textbox File Name. For Example: Employee_Info.xls
  7. Select the file system from the drop-down list File System. This drop-down list has the following two options:
    • Windows
    • Unix

    When Adeptia Suite is installed on Windows, the LAN File Source uses windows service to connect to remote machine to access any file. It just connects once and uses the same connection with the same User ID and Password (which is stored in the cache) every time. If you want to enforce the validation of User ID and Password every time while accessing the file on a remote machine, select the Use VFS checkbox.

  8. If authentication is required to access the source file, select the Secure checkbox.
  9. Enter the username in the textbox User ID.
  10. Enter the password, if required, in the textbox Password. Then re-enter the password in the textbox Confirm Password field.
  11. Click Advance Properties to set the values of the advance properties related with LAN File Source Activity.
  12. Select the Delete File on Success checkbox if you want to delete the LAN source file after it has been used in the process flow execution. On the basis of this selection, the LAN source file will be deleted, after the successful execution of the process flow. In case the process flow is aborted due to any reason, the source will not be deleted. (see Figure 204).

    Figure 204: LAN File Source Activity


    To learn about Advanced Properties refer to Changing Advanced Properties section.

  13. Click the Save button.

You can verify the LAN file source activity at design time. For this, click Test. This verifies the values in the File Path, User ID and Password fields and checks whether the file actually exists in the specified location. To test this activity, fill up all the required fields and click Test. If the file specified in this activity is present in the specified folder, the test will be successful otherwise it will give an error.

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