Creating Source Activity

Creating Source Activity

Adeptia Suite enables you to transfer data from any source location to any target location. In order to transfer any data, you need to first fetch the data. To perform the same, you need to create a Source activity. The Source activity enables you to specify the location, where the data is stored.

Adeptia Suite allows you to create following different types of source activities:

Section Name


Section Name


Advanced Database Source

Introduction to Advanced Database Source and instructions to create Advance Database Source are also provided.

Database Source

Introduction to Database Source and instructions to create Database Source are also provided.

File Source

Introduction to File Source and instructions to create File Source are also provided.

FTP Source

Introduction to FTP Source and instructions to create FTP Source are also provided.

HTTP Source

Introduction to HTTP Source and instructions to create HTTP Source are also provided.

JMS Source

Introduction to JMS Source and instructions to create JMS Source are also provided.

LAN File Source

Introduction to LAN File Source and instructions to create LAN File Source are also provided.

Mail Source

Introduction to Mail Source and instructions to create Mail Source are also provided.

WebDAV Source

Introduction to WebDAV Source and instructions to create WebDAV Source are also provided.

Context Source

Introduction to Context Source and instructions to create Context Source are also provided.

Application Source

Introduction to Application Source and instructions to create Application Source are also provided.