Creating File References

Creating File References

In the Adeptia Suite, you need to create a file reference activity when your WSDL or XSD file, in your Web Services activity or XML Schema activity, is referring to an external WSDL or XSD file. This is possible in the following two scenarios:

  • When the WSDL file, which you use to create your Web Service activity, refers to an external WSDL or XSD file
  • When the XSD file, which you use to create your XML Schema activity, refers to an external XSD file

In the previous version of the Adeptia Suite, if you need to create these activities then you would have to manually copy the file on the server where the Adeptia Suite is installed. All you now have to do is, create a File References activity and include it into your schema or web service activity.
This feature is available in:







Creating a File References Activity

Steps to create a file references

  1. On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click on the Develop tab.
  2. Go to Services > Miscellaneous > File References. This action will show you the Manage File References screen (see Figure 626).

    Figure 626: Manage File Reference Screen

  3. Click on the Create New link. This action will show you the New File References screen (see Figure 627).

    Figure 627: New File References

  4. Enter the name and description for the file reference activity in the Name and Description textboxes respectively.
  5. Click on the Browse button. This action will show you the Upload Referenced File screen.
  6. On the Upload Referenced Zip screen, click on the Browse button and navigate to the zip file which you want to upload to the server where your Adeptia Suite is installed and click on the Open button. The Browse File textbox will show you the name of the zip file that you have selected to upload. Click on the Upload File button to upload your zip file.
  7. On the New File References screen, the Upload Zip textbox will show you the name of your zip file that you have just uploaded.

    You need to upload your referential WSDL or XSD file(s) in a single zip file only, Also just keep the folder structure of the zip file as per the references made by the WSDL or XSD file(s).

  8. Click on the Save button. 16