6.9.1 Release Highlights

What’s new in this release?

You will find the text in the blue color on the pages of What's New links. This has been done to easily identify the changes done on the page.
  • Performance Enhancement in Data Mapper 
    Following enhancements in Data Mapper help you do a quality mapping and manage large data/files: 
    • Streaming: This feature enables handling of large files (Gigabytes) in mapping by using the optimum resource. 
    • Filter Empty Elements: This option will help you to remove empty elements from the output. This helps to reduce the size of output file.

  • Improved XML Validation
    • You will now have an option to validate and parse the large (Gigabytes) XML files using Saxonica parser at runtime. 
    • You can now use the validation error report to correlate with source XML in order to find details on the error

  • Upgraded Saxon
    Saxon API in Adeptia Suite has been upgraded from 9.7 (PE) to 9.8 (EE). 

  • Support to Save Encrypted Target File as PlainText Archived Target File
    In a B2B inbound and outbound relationship, you can now save an encrypted target file in a plain text mode while archiving it.

  • Support of CRON Expression as a Trigger in Database Event
    You can now trigger the Database Events using a CRON expression.

  • Support to Parse Invalid Dates
    With a new property added to the Data Mapper, you can now parse invalid dates in the date format function.

    More Features!

    Refer to the Release Notes of Adeptia Suite 6.9.2 for more features.

Bug Fixes 

Following are the issues that are fixed in this release.

  • Data Mapper processing invalid dates and generates a calculated date as an output.
  • While trying to promote objects in migration utility if there are minor changes in existing activities then Adeptia considers it to be the same and does not promote/export it correctly.
  • After the upgrade to V6.9, the acknowledgment link generated in an EDI Outbound relationship shows an incorrect date.
  • DBQuery aborts the mapping if the query passed to mapping is null.

See also:

6.9.2 Release Notes