Apache Tomcat 9
In order to access Adeptia Connect UI, you need to install Apache Tomcat 9. Click here to download Apache Tomcat 9.
Installing Apache Tomcat 9
To install:
- Run the installer.
- Click Next to accept the License Agreement.
- Read the agreement carefully and click I Agree to accept the terms of the agreement.
- On the Choose Components wizard, select Minimum components type to install and click Next to configure Tomcat.
On the Configuration wizard, type 80 in the HTTP/1.1 Connector Port.
Ensure that no other application is running on port 80.- On the Java Virtual Machine wizard, ensure that the JRE path displayed is same as the installed JRE path.
- Click Next to begin the installation. The installer starts installing Apache Tomcat.
- Click Finish to exit the installer.
- Now go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window appears, listing all the services installed on the computer.
- Right-click Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 and click Properties.
- On the General tab, select Automatic from the Startup type.
- Click Apply.
Click OK.
For a clustered environment, install Apache Tomcat 9 on other nodes following the same steps.
This installs Apache Tomcat 9.
Verifying Installation
After Apache Tomcat 9 is installed successfully, you need to verify whether Apache Tomcat 9 is installed successfully or not. To verify:
- Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window appears, listing all the services installed on the computer.
- Check the status of Apache Tomcat. The Running status indicates Apache Tomcat has been installed and running successfully.
- Open the browser and hit the URL in the below format:
<protocol_name> is the name of the protocol you are using, for example, HTTP or HTTPS.
<IP_Address> is the IP address of the computer where Apache Tomcat 9 is installed.
<port_no> is the port number of the computer on which Apache Tomcat 9 is installed.
For example,
Tomcat welcome screen appears, indicating a successful installation.
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