3.0 Patch Deployment Guide

Adeptia Connect Patch Name:    AdeptiaConnect_3_0_05June2019.zip

Connect Server Build Tag:          Release_AC_3_0_05June2019

Connect Portal Build Tag:           Release_AC_Web_3_0_05June2019_AC_3_0_05June2019 


This patch can be applied on the following Build Tags: 

Connect Server

  • Release_AC_2_9_3_13Feb2019
  • Release_AC_2_9_3_01_20Feb2019
  • Release_AC_2_9_3_01_14Mar2019
  • Release_AC_2_9_3_01_25April2019
  • Release_AC_2_9_3_01_08May2019
  • Release_AC_2_9_3_01_17May2019 

Connect Portal

  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_13Feb2019_AC_2_9_3_13Feb2019
  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_01_20Feb2019_AC_2_9_3_01_20Feb2019
  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_01_14Mar2019_AC_2_9_3_01_14Mar2019
  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_01_25April2019_AC_2_9_3_01_25April2019
  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_01_08May2019_AC_2_9_3_01_08May2019
  • Release_AC_Web_2_9_3_01_17May2019_AC_2_9_3_01_17May2019


This patch can be applied only on v2.9.3. If you are using product version 2.9.2 or earlier, you should first upgrade to v2.9.3 before applying this patch.


For this version, license update is required. You should get the latest license before applying the patch. To get the latest license, contact support@adeptia.com.

Next Step

Applying Patch