3.0 Changing Database Drivers

3.0 Changing Database Drivers

To change the driver for Backend & Log Database:

  1. Go to etc folder in Adeptia installation directory: …AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc
  2. Take back-up of server-configure.properties file.
  3. Open server-configure.properties.
  4. To change driver for Backend Database, go to Database Configuration group.
  5. Change JDO Database Driver Url in the abpm.jdo.driver, paste the following value: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
  6. Change the JDO Database Connection URL by setting the JDBC connection URL in the abpm.jdo.url in the following format: 

    jdbc:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>;DatabaseName=<name of the database>

    For example, 


    For the Named Instance, abpm.jdo.url will be in the following format: 

    jdbc:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>;databaseName=<name of the database>;instanceName=<name of the instance>


    <databaseServerName> is the host name where database server is running.

    <port> port number on which database server is running.

    <name of the database> is the name of the database.

    <instanceName> is the name of named database instance.

    For example,


  7. To change driver for Log Database, go to Database Appender group.
  8. Change JDBC Driver Class in the log4j.appender.jdbc.dbclass, paste the following value: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
  9. Change the JDBC URL by setting the JDBC connection URL in the log4j.appender.jdbc.url in the following format: 

    jdbc:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>;DatabaseName=<name of the database>

    For example, 


    For the Named Instancelog4j.appender.jdbc.url will be in the following format: 

    jdbc:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>;databaseName=<name of the database>;instanceName=<name of the instance>


    <databaseServerName> is the host name where database server is running.

    <port> port number on which database server is running.

    <name of the database> is the name of the database.

    <instanceName> is the name of named database instance.

    For example,


  10. Save and exit the file.

To change the driver for Quartz Database:

  1. Go to etc folder in Adeptia installation directory: …AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/etc
  2. Take back-up of quartz.properties file.
  3. Open quartz.properties file.
  4. Go to Configure Datasources group, set the value of org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.driver as com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
  5. Set the JDBC connection URL in the org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.URL in this format:
    jdbc:sqlserver://<<Database Server>>:<<port>>;databaseName=<<name of the database>>

    For example, 


    For Named Instance, set the JDBC connection URL in the org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.URL in the following format: 

    jdbc:sqlserver://<databaseServerName>:<port>;databaseName=<name of the database>;instanceName=<name of the instance>


    <databaseServerName> is the host name where database server is running.

    <port> port number on which database server is running.

    <name of the database> is the name of the database.

    <instanceName> is the name of named database instance.

    For example,


  6. Save and exit the file.