Receiving Non EDI Notifications

To receive notifications if any error occurs in processing Non-EDI data, you need to configure the following properties:

  • abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID
  • abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemError.hostEmailID

Notifications sent during Non-EDI processing can be classified into following categories:

  1. Translation Error:
      • Translation Error at source end of inbound processing.
      • Translation Error at target end of inbound Processing.
      • Translation Error at source end of Outbound Processing
      • Translation Error at target end of Outbound Processing.

    Translation Error, which occurs at source end of inbound processing, is sent to the email ID configured in the Contact Information field of the trading Partner.
    All other translation errors are sent to the email ID configured in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.translationError.hostEmailID property.

  2. System Error

   All system errors are sent to the email ID configured in the abpm.solution.edi.notification.systemError.hostEmailID property.

  Steps to configure the EDI Solution Properties:

    1. On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click the Administer tab. The Application Settings screen is displayed.
    2. Click the link Update System Properties. The Update System Properties screen is displayed.
    3. Expand Solution Properties, then EDI Solution Parameters, and then further expand EDI Configuration For Mail Notifications (see Figure 55).

      Figure 55: EDI Solution Properties

    4. Enter the required email address in the above properties.
    5. Click Save button. A screen is displayed confirming that System Properties have been saved.


Changes made in the System Properties do not come into effect until you reload the configuration. To reload the configuration, click Reload Configuration in the Application Settings screen.
For detailed information about the properties and their possible values, refer to Properties of B2BI section.