Creating UNB Outbound Envelope
To send outbound EDIFACT data you need to create an UNB Outbound Envelope. This is used to define the values and control number of UNB that is generated in the outbound EDIFACT file. It can be created either from the Manage Trading Partner page or from the Create Outbound Relationship page.
Steps to create UNB Outbound Envelope:
On the Adeptia Suite homepage, click the Develop tab.
Go to Solutions > B2B > Trading Partner. The Manage Trading Partner Profile screen is displayed.
Select the EDI Trading Partner activity for which you want to define the UNB Outbound envelope and click UNBOutboundEnvelope link. The Manage UNB Outbound Envelope screen is displayed.
Click the Create New link.
The Create UNB Outbound Envelope screen is displayed.
The following figure shows a sample UNB Outbound Envelope screen (see Figure 38).
Figure 38: Outbound UNB Envelope Sample
Enter the name and description for the UNB Outbound Envelope activity in Name and Description fields respectively.
Enter the other required information in the respective fields.
Select Use Global Interchange Control No checkbox if you want to use the UNB control number defined in the outbound trading partner of this ISA outbound envelope activity. If you want to use UNB control number defined in the UNB relationship, then keep this checkbox unselected.
Select the test production indicator from the Test/Production Indicator drop-down list.
Click Save button. This displays a screen confirming that the UNB Outbound Envelope has been created successfully.