Activity Naming Convention
This page lists the suggestions on naming conventions to be used while creating activities. These suggestions if implemented would help the user to easily update, audit, and manage the created activities.
It is recommended to use the following syntax while naming an activity:
<ProjectNameorOrganizationName>: This should describe the name of the project to which an activity is associated, and this can be limited to 1-3 characters. For example, if the project name is Adeptia then use "ADP" as a project name.
<GroupName>: The name of a group whose user is creating this activity. For example, if the user is from the Developer's group, Group Name can be "DEV".
<ActivityType>: This is the activity type, you can refer to the table below on this page for the suggested activity types and their names. For example, use "FS" to denote a File Source Activity Type.
<DescriptionOfTheActivity>: This is the name of the activity; for example, TranslationErrorSourceForInbound.
By following the syntax, the activity name can be as follows: ADP_DEV_FS_TranslationErrorSourceForInbound.
Given below is the list of suggested naming conventions against each activity types:
Activity | Activity Type | Naming Convention |
Source | File Source | FS |
LAN File Source | LFS | |
Mail Source | MS | |
HTTP Source | HS | |
JMS Source | JS | |
FTP Source | FTPS | |
Database Source | DS | |
Advance Database Source | ADS | |
Target | File Target | FT |
LAN File Target | LFT | |
Mail Target | MT | |
HTTP Target | HT | |
JMS Target | JT | |
FTP Target | FTPT | |
Database Target | DT | |
Advance Database Target | ADT | |
Schema | Advance Positional | APSC |
Advance Text | ATSC | |
Advance Database | ADSC | |
Database | DSC | |
EDI | ESC | |
Excel | XLSC | |
Positional | PSC | |
Text | ATSC | |
XML | XMSC | |
Data Transformation | Mapping | DM |
Extensions | Custom Plugin | CP |
Native Call | NC | |
Events and Triggers | File Event | FE |
Calendar Event | CE | |
Mail Event | ME | |
HTTP Event | HE | |
JMS Event | JE | |
FTP Event | FTPE | |
Database Event | DE | |
Timer Event | TE | |
Event Registry | ER | |
Connectors | Database Driver | DD |
Database Info | DI | |
JMS Provider | JMSP | |
MLLP Configuration | MLLPC | |
Miscellaneous | Context Upload | CU |
Context Upload | CD | |
Stored Procedure | SP | |
Mail Notification | MN | |
Polling | File Polling | FP |
FTP Polling | FTPP | |
Database Polling | DP | |
Mail Polling | MP | |
Web Services | Security Policy | SCP |
Consumer | WC | |
Provider | WP | |
Data Dictionary | EDI | EDD |
Positional | PDD | |
Workflow | Workflow Tasks | HWF |
Forms | Web Forms | WF |
Process | Process Flow | PF |
Process Model | PM |