Viewing Interchange Log

Viewing Interchange Log

Interchange log tracks the EDI and non-EDI interchange messages that are going in and out. Perform the following steps to view EDI interchange log: 

  1. On the Monitor tab, go to History > B2B Logs.

  2. From the left menu, select the data format for which you want to view the logs. The available options are:

    • All: This option lists the details of all EDI and Non-EDI logs.
    • X12: It is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard to develop and maintain EDI standards to facilitate electronic messaging interchanges relating to business transactions. This option lists the details of all X12 EDI logs.
    • EDIFACT: It is an acronym for EDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport. It provides a set of standard messages which allow multi-country and multi-industry exchange of electronic business documents. This option lists the details of all EDIFACT logs.
    • Others (Non-EDI): This option lists the details of all Non-EDI logs.
  3. Type or select the start date and time in From and hr text boxes respectively.
  4. Type or select the end date and time in To and hr text boxes respectively.

  5. Select whether you want to view logs for Inbound messages or Outbound messages from the Select Direction. This option is applicable only for X12 and EDIFACT message format.

  6. To search the interchange log based on the search criteria, select the criteria from the Select drop-down list box and type the value in the text box adjacent to it. The search criteria options differ based on the selected data format (All, X12, EDIFACT, and OTHERS). You can also search the logs based on FA Status, namely, Sent, Queued, Not Expected, Not Received, Partially Accepted (P), Accepted (A), Accepted (E), Rejected (R), Rejected (M), Rejected (X), Overdue, and Error.

    AK901/Error Code
    Status shown on B2B logs
    AAcceptedACCEPTED (A)
    EAccepted, but errors were notedACCEPTED (E)
    MRejected, Message Authentication Code (MAC) failedREJECTED (M)
    PPartially acceptedACCEPTED (P)
    RRejectedREJECTED (R)
    XRejected, content after decryption could not be analyzedREJECTED (X)
    WRejected, assurance failed validity testREJECTED (W)

  7. Select View Archive check box to view the archived logs.

  8. Click Search to view the logs of given time interval.     

    You can download and read the input and output files of all the successfully executed B2B activities. Click the links in the FileIn and FileOut columns of the B2B logs. The files that you will get are always in plain text.

    You can also view and download the EDI file for data formats (All, X12, EDIFACT). Click the PDF icon displayed in the Data View column to view the EDI file in PDF.

    The below table lists the status of the interchange and their description:





    Message has been received.


    Message has been translated. To view if all the transaction sets are successfully translated or few had some error, click View Data.


    Acknowledgment has been reconciled.


    Some error has been encountered and the message is not translated.



    Message is queued in the outbound queue.


    All the transaction set of the message has been sent successfully.

    Partially Sent

    Some transaction set of the message have been sent and some transaction set has not been sent due to some error.

    Not Sent

    All the transaction sets of the message have not been sent due to some error.


    Some error has been encountered and the message is not translated.To view the transaction set of any message, select the message and click View Data link. All the transaction sets of the selected message are displayed. For information on EDI Transaction Log, refer to EDI Transaction Log.

    To view detailed logs of the process flow instance which are executed to process any particular message, select the message and click Audit Log.

    Process Flow log is helpful, in case if any EDI message is not processed properly.

    To view the acknowledgment generated for any message, select the message and click Acknowledgement

    This screen displays the acknowledgment as well as its status. If the acknowledgment is sent to the trading partner successfully, Message Status is displayed as COMPLETED. If the acknowledgment is queued in the outbound queue, Message Status is displayed as "Acknowledgement is not transmitted".

    You can also manually change the FA Status of an Overdue acknowledgment. Select the entry that has an Overdue status. This enables Manually Acknowledge option. Click Manually Acknowledge to view the list of available acknowledgment type. 

    On the Manually Acknowledge window, select the type you want to change to and then click Submit.