Updating License

When Adeptia Suite license expires, you can upgrade it. Note that you can upgrade or renew the license only once. This section will assist you how to update the license, if the license is expired and you have a new license.

For Windows

Ensure that Kernel and WebRunner are not running before you start updating the license.

Perform the following steps to update the license:

  1. Go to Start > Programs > Adeptia Suite > Update License.
  2. The Update License dialog box appears.
  3. Click Browse and explore to the path of License.jar file.
  4. Click Update.
  5. The application prompts you to confirm whether Kernel or WebRunner is running or not. Click Yes to continue further.
  6. An information dialog box will appear confirming your license is updated successfully.
  7. Click OK.

For Linux

Ensure that Kernel and WebRunner are not running before you start updating the license.

To update the license, copy the License.jar file in the <InstallFolder>ServerKernel\etc folder.