6.9.9 Release Highlights

New features and improvements

  • Support for OpenJDK8
    With this release, Adeptia Suite has replaced Oracle JRE by open-source Amazon Corretto 8 JRE ensuring regular security updates.  

  • Asynchronous logging
    Adeptia Suite now also supports asynchronous logging that helps you substantially improve the throughput and lower the latency in the overall execution of the service. Earlier, it was logging the messages only in a synchronous manner.

  • Support for Apache Camel FTP Library
    Apache Camel has been added as the recommended and default connector in this version of Adeptia Suite. 

  • Support for publishing REST Web Service Provider to a different port
    You have the option of publishing a REST Web Service Provider to a port other than the default port on which the application is running. 

  • PATCH HTTP method support in REST Consumer
    Adeptia Suite now also includes PATCH as one of the HTTP methods in REST Consumer service. This method helps you make minor updates to the resources at the target location. 

  • Support for Oracle 12c pluggable database
    Oracle 12c pluggable database is now supported as a backend and log database of Adeptia Suite.

  • Enhanced support for handling an array type in JSON layout
    You can now define fields that will be created as an array in the output JSON file even if they have a single occurrence. Earlier, the single occurrence field was always created as a simple type of field.

  • Ability to deliver new CDATA connectors
    New CDATA connectors can be delivered on demand without any need for a patch.

Bug Fixes

Following Bugs have been fixed in this release:
  • Issue related to performing log clean-up due to Primary Key constraint. 
  • Process flow execution does not throw an error message if a variable is not set. 
  • Web Service Consumer is getting created with incomplete details and also throwing an error ‘content is not allowed in prolog’ on execution.
  • EDI layout service does an automatic transformation of the UNB11 field value by changing them from ('1', '2', '3' or '4') value to ('T' or 'P'). 
  • Acknowledgement sent does not reconcile when the Group Control number is the same but differs in the number of digits (with leading zero). 
  • The system throws an error ‘mandatory segment missing error’ when EDI Schema is validated against the 999 Transaction Set (Health Care acknowledgment) of the EDIX231A1_Hippa data dictionary. 
  • Issue related to the system not throwing a valid error message in case the source file received for decryption is not correct. 
  • Getting error while exporting the TrustStore Certificate having Special character in the alias name.
  • The system does not throw an error if the EDI source file contains extra/invalid tags against the EDI layout. 
  • Adeptia does not show an error ‘permission denied’ while browsing a VIEW using the Advanced Database layout service. 
  • The server-info.zip file does not contain logs and the configuration file if the Oracle Database/ Log connection string use Service Name instead of database name for the connection. 
  • EDI layout does not display an error when Skip Compliance is disabled and EDI Outbound Relationship contains some error. 
  • Issue related to Adeptia writing the entire Java code to Kernel logs. 
  • Removed standard output stream (sysout) logging from the cluster component.
  • Advanced Positional layout does not work in a specific version of Adeptia.
  • Issue related to custom plugin not being able to execute as expected on a retry after it fails for the first time.

  • Issue related to mapping when running a query where data returned from a database (XML) contains CDATA tag. 
  • The system throws an error due to the field value UNOY of the segment UNB. 

For more, refer to Adeptia Connect Release Highlights.

See also
Patch Deployment Guide