6.9.10 Release Highlights

New features and improvements

  • Support for "special characters" in the Description field of Adeptia Suite services
    Adeptia Suite now also supports the following special characters "(, ), {, }, [, ]" in the "Description" field for all the services. 

Bug Fixes

Following Bugs have been fixed in this release:
  • While transforming an XML file into an EDIFACT, the special characters such as single quotes and colons are prefixed with “null” value in the target EDI file. 
  • The execution of an EDI Outbound Relationship is getting failed if it has been defined with Content based routing and namespace. 
  • Issue related to the EDI schema not getting validated because of the invalid character, asterisk (*). 
  • The Non-EDI B2B process flow fails and throws a Null error at CP_RoutingRelationship custom plugin activity when Mail is used as a target using archive option. 
  • In Data Mapping, the Target EDI file does not contain a single quote (') for the UNB segment when the data is transformed from EDIFACT 99A TO 95B. 
  • When processing a Text layout, the system throws an error while parsing a numeric data with (+) sign associated with it.
  • The repository folder still contains the context info and context variable details after the successful execution of the process flow even if the Repository File Retention is set to "Delete On Success". 

For more, refer to Adeptia Connect Release Highlights.

See also
Patch Deployment Guide