Kernel & WebRunner Issues

Kernel & WebRunner Issues





Issue 1 : We are getting the Value too large for column AU_SpazioLog.AU_TransactionPID errors in the Kernel logs while using Spazio activity.

ERROR [ActiveMQ Session Task-130] Event com.adeptia.indigo.services.transport.spazio.topic.SpazioTopicLogMessageReceive.insertDataToSpazioLogTable(SpazioTopicLogMessageReceive.java:500) - ||||null|||||null|Error in inserting log record for Spazio MFT/s; error code: 12899; SQL state: 72000[ORA-12899: value too large for column "GHIBLI"."AU_SPAZIOLOG"."AU_TRANSACTION_PID" (actual: 61, maximum: 30)
2020-10-20 22:53:54 ]|||null
2020-10-20 22:53:54 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12899: value too large for column "LOG_DB"."AU_SPAZIOLOG"."AU_TRANSACTION_PID" (actual: 61, maximum: 30)

In the Adeptia Log Database, the default size of column
AU_TRANSACTION_PID is 30 and it works fine with a standalone process
Flow. But with the Parent-child process flow, the column size should be larger than 70.

Following is the query that needs to be run on the LOG Database for
AU_SPAZIOLOG table to increase the size of the column




Issue2: After starting the Adeptia services, we have noticed that the Kernel is not getting up while the Webrunner started properly and shows Licence activation failed error on GUI.
However, when looking at the Kernel logs, we found that the Kernel got stuck after the below lines of statements.

2018-10-03 07:12:42,807 INFO [Enterprise Business Management Suite 6.7 Kernel Thread] jta.com.adeptia.indigo.jta.jtaManager.start(jtaManager.java:41) - ||||null||||null|Starting the JTA Manager|localhost||null

This issue has occurred because after "Starting the JTA Manager", Adeptia looks for the Recovery folder to scan and recover the recoverable process flow(s).

And if Adeptia, is not able to access the Recovery location, it get stuck and cannot move further.

Check the location of Recovery/Repository folder and allow the Adeptia to access those location so that Adeptia can be started successfully.

Note: It is recommended to give all the permission to Adeptia so that it can access all the folders of the Adeptia installed directory.


Issue 3 : MGMSP2DG64:/usr/local/bin/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-5.3/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel # ./startup.sh

Note: If you need to contact Tech Support, please email the following file: /usr/local/bin/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-5.3/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/config.log
Starting Kernel......
error starting kernel

Within the config.log identify the error "../../jre/bin/java: Permission denied".

Since it can be a permission issue please provide all the permissions to the folder and the sub-folders of AdeptiaSuite-5.3.

Also do check if all the permissions are provided to the bin folder located at "/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-5.3/jre/".


Issue 4 : When trying to start the Adeptia WebRunner Windows Service,we receive the following message: "Windows could not start the Adeptia Suite WebRunner service on Local Computer.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

This issue can sometimes occur when the jsl-Webrunner.ini file is corrupted or missing from the Adeptia installation directory (\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel)

  1. If you have another environment setup, copy the jsl-Webrunner.ini file from that environment and place it in the \AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel directory of the problem system

  1. Manually setup the Adeptia Windows Services.


Issue 5 : We have installed Adeptia in our test environment. However, we encountered issues with the two primary services running and authenticating using our AD service account, _SVC_Adeptia. We have granted this account local server admin rights.

It seems there is some issue with JSL (Java Service Launcher), a third party API that Adeptia uses to create and register window services. We request you to try below steps and it should work for you.

Try the following steps, and it should resolve the proble:-

a. Install a new build using window service without specifying any account while installation in the installation wizard.
b. Check whether Services window (Services.msc in Run) are showing Adeptia Kernel and Webrunner as registered services.
c. Right click on each of the service, click Properties and click “Log On” tab.
d. Browse the correct locations and correct username for “This account” radio button. Make sure the account name should look like : UserName@DomainName.
e. Apply the settings, now the services are installed and registered in the domain service account.
f. Restart the Machine and check if Adeptia is running. You can again go to Services window to make sure that these services are running from you proposed account.


Issue 6 : When starting the Adeptia Services, this error is shown in the Kernel Logs.

Interactive Boot Failed: Date Mismatch : Current Date is Chronologically before the Last Login Date

This error usually comes up when the Time of Adeptia is set back from the last time when Adeptia is running.

Restart the Adeptia services again and make sure that the date and Time of server is in ahead from the last time when you stopped the services.


Issue 7 : "page not found" or 404 error.

WebRunner or Kernel are not running

  1. Run WebRunner and Kernel

  1. If the Kernel and WebRunner are running and Adeptia is accessible from the machine it is installed on, there is probably an issue with the network connectivity.


Issue 8 : Insufficient memory - Java Runtime Environment

There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue

Your system is encountering an issue allocating enough memory to the Adeptia Services.

The memory allocated to the Kernel and Webunner is defined in the launcher.properties file (AdeptiaInstallationDirectory/ServerKernel/etc/).

If the -Xms values of the Kernel and Webrunner JVM exceed the RAM available on the server, you will continue to encounter this issue.

Make sure the total -Xms values are within the RAM available on the server be decreasing the memory allocated to Adeptia or increasing the available memory of the server


Issue 9 : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError ..... Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

This means that you compiled your classes under a specific JDK, but then try to run them under older version of JDK.

Compile the class under an older version of Java


Issue 10 : File Target - Required permission

Error Message :Error in execution for activity FileTarget:Generic_Test:19216800000314047452[Unable to create file target location ""\\output\testdirectory""please verify that you have required permission to create folder at file target location]

Generally, this issue comes up when the user where the Adeptia services are running under does not have permissions on that location.

Make sure the user under which the Adeptia Services are running proper permissions on that location

  1. Windows (Services) - Using the task manager to identify what user the Adeptia Kernel/Webrunner services are running under

  2. Windows (Manual) - Using the task manager to identify what user the java.exe Processes are running under

  3. Linux - Running the ps | aux | grep adeptia command to identify what user the processes are running under


Issue 11 : ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.sqlserver

When starting the Kernel and Webrunner, the application logs indicate the following error:

ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

Adeptia is unable to locate the proper driver to connect to the SQL database used for logging

  1. Stop the Adeptia Services

  2. Add the appropriate entry within the \AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\launcher.properties file:


  1. Restart the Adeptia Services


Issue 12 : View Archive logs throws 500 error

When I go to History > Process Flow Log, select the View Archive box, and click Details an error occurs:

ERROR [qtp429231097-38] org.hdpagination.web.servlet.PaginationServlet org.hdpagination.web.servlet.PaginationServlet.exceptionFound(PaginationServlet.java:243) - Error happened when processing request
org.hdpagination.core.PaginationException: Pagination Query execution failed.

Incorrect driver being used to connect to the archive log database

If you are using SQL server as your log Database, check the pagination property for archival and verify that the driver specified there is for SQL. If it is not, than you need to change this driver class.

Change the highlighted part of your server-configure.properties with org.hdpagination.dataaccess.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServer2005JdbcQueryTemplate

comment="Pagination Log Archival Database Handler Class"
hide="true" name="abpm.pagination.logArchivaldb.handler">org.hdpagination.dataaccess.jdbc.hsqldb.HSQLDBJdbcQueryTemplate</Property>


Issue 13 : Application connection to backend database is lost

We are not able to open any PF and Data Mapping.

It seems that Adeptia Webrunner isn’t able to establish a connection to Adeptia back-end database

  1. Make sure that the machine where Adeptia Suite is installed has access to back-end database.

  1. Make sure that all database credentials specified in “\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\server-configure.properties” are valid. If you are able to execute process flows without any problem in production system, then in all probability it shall be valid.

  1. Re-start Adeptia services on production system.

  1. After Adeptia services are started, try to open Data Mapping activity.


Issue 14 : Kernel shutdown with Process status: 137

2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.9/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/libs/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]

2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.9/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/web/libs/spazio/activemq-all-5.7.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]

2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.

2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: This version of SLF4J requires log4j version 1.2.12 or later. See also http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#log4j_version

Process status: 137

Destroying process

When a Java process is destroyed with code 137, it means that the process was terminated by the system due to resource starvation (usually memory). Any process that has requested a large chunk of memory from the system, it checks for the available memory and finds that there is no way it can allocate your process more memory. So, try to free some memory invoking OOMKiller (in Linux).

To resolve this, we should check that the system has enough memory to allocate to Kernel as defined in the launcher.properties file. Try killing all other processes that are consuming memory of the system and make sure that before starting Adeptia your have ample amount of memory as allocated in the launcher.properties file. If you still don't have enough memory then consider increasing the system memory/RAM(if required).

If you are unable to increase the memory then you can try to reduce the memory assigned in the launcher.properties on a temporary basis (found under "./Serverkernel/etc"), reduce the size of the memory allocated to the Kernel and WebRunner parameter and Restart the Adeptia services. This will deteriorate the performance of Adeptia so consider increasing it back again when you have increased the system memory.


Issue 15 : ERROR [qtp452256093-1530] storage com.adeptia.indigo.storage.jdo.JdoEntityManager$CustomDatabase.performRetry(JdoEntityManager.java:2857) - ||User||null|||||null|Failed to connect to Backend Database. Performing retries[null]|localhost|

Caused by: org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException: Nested error: java.sql.SQLException: An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out.: An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out.

The Adeptia Webrunner is having trouble creating connections to the back-end database

Increase the wait time in the system properties.

  1. Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties

  2. Performance Optimization > Webrunner Connection Pool > Webrunner JDO

  3. Set abpm.webrunner.jdo.maxWait to 1200000

  4. Save the change > Reload Configuration

  5. Restart the services


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