Cleaning up application logs
Adeptia Suite maintains the logs of Kernel and WebRunner in the KernelaApplication.log and Webrunnerapplication.log files respectively stored at .../AdeptiaServer-x.x/ServerKernel/logs/applicationlogs folder. When any of these log files reaches the specified maximum size then Adeptia Suite renames the log file by appending it with a date-time stamp and creates a new file by the original name. By default, the maximum size specified for these files is 20MB.
These logs file can cause issues if they accumulate over a long period of time. Adeptia Suite has a Cleanup task that is scheduled to run at a specified time to clean up these files that are older than a specified number of days. By default, this cleanup runs at 3 AM daily and deletes the log files that are older than 5 days. You can configure the cleanup schedule and retain time by performing the following steps:
- Click Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties.
- Expand Maintainance > Data Cleanup Properties.
Change the value of the following properties as per your need.
Property NameDescriptionabpm.appmanagement.cleanupCronExpression Define the time in Cron expression when you want to run the cleanup. For example, for 3 AM, you need to define 0 0 3 * * ?. For information on how to define the Cron expression, click here. abpm.appmanagement.retainTime Define the retain time for log files. By default, the value of this property is set to 5 days. - Click Save to save the changes.
Restart Kernel and WebRunner.