Log Archival and Cleanup

Log Archival and Cleanup





Excessive Accumulation of Logs

Logs accumulate excessively due to a prolonged retention period or inadequate archival practices.

Monitor the current retention period set for logs.
Assess the daily volume of data processed to determine if it aligns with the configured retention period.

Adjust the abpm.appmanagement.retainTime parameter to 3-5 days. By default, this property is set to 5 days, but the optimal setting should be based on the daily data processing volume.
Implement a dedicated database setup for logs archival on a separate database server. This ensures efficient management and retrieval of archived logs.

Error while log archival and clean up for the database 'AU_TRANSACTION' lock wait without exceeds

This error usually comes when the table is locked out in case of large data present in it or due to the large number of uncommitted transactions etc. If you'll try to delete a bunch of records using MYSQL administrator or some other DB tool then you'll receive the same error.

Check if the table "AU_TRANSACTIONLOG" is locked due to large data or uncommitted transactions.
Verify if attempts to delete records using MySQL Administrator or other DB tools result in the same error.

Increasing value of innodb_lock_wait_timeout should resolve your issue. We would recommend to remove the lock on the table "AU_TRANSACTIONLOG".

Problem accessing/adeptia/search/TransactionLog

Incorrect driver being used to connect to the archive log database

Verify the driver currently configured in the system settings.
Check if the driver is compatible with the database type being used

If you are using SQL server as your log Database, check the pagination property for archival and verify that the driver specified there is for SQL. If it is not, than you need to change this driver class.
Change the highlighted part of your server-configure.properties with org.hdpagination.dataaccess.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServer2005JdbcQueryTemplate

Log archival failures occur without end user awareness

Lack of configured notifications prevents end users from being aware of log archival failures.

Verify if notifications are configured for log archival failures.
Check if end users are informed promptly about archival errors.

Set the abpm.logs.sendNotification.onArchivalFailure email configuration parameter.
Configure this parameter to receive notifications whenever an error occurs during log archival.

No logs generated in the log file

Issues with the CLASSPATH.
JARS mentioned in the CLASSPATH may not be present in the specified folder.

Verify whether the JAR files included in the CLASSPATH are present at the specified location.

Include the JAR file at the Specified location.

Unable to clean up the table.

Problems with application settings.

Verify the properties are set correctly or not.

Do the following :
1.Set the property abpm.logs.archival.batch.enable to no.
2.Set the property abpm.logs.delete.chunks.enable to no.
3.Retry executing the log cleanup and archival process.

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