Configuring Partner Identifier

Configuring Partner Identifier

You can use Partner Identifier in EDI X12, EDI HIPAA, EDIFACT Outbound relationship, and Inbound and Outbound relationship for Non-EDI format. When it is used in EDI Outbound relationship, it defines the field (data element) in source data that carries the routing information. For example, Customer_Number in the data file can be used as routing criteria.

When it is used in Non-EDI relationship, it defines the XPath to filter out Sender ID and Receiver ID. Based on these parameters, it is decided, which inbound/outbound relationship is used to process that file. In case, these parameters are not defined, the relationship is picked up based on the event selected in the relationship. In this scenario, an event looking up the source file can be used only in one inbound or outbound relationship that defines the configuration, which processes this file.

To configure Partner Identifier:

  1. While creating EDI outbound relationship, select Content Based Routing check box and click  adjacent to Select Field drop-down list box OR while creating non-EDI relationship, select Partner Identification Required check box and click  adjacent to the Partner Identifier drop-down list.

  2. The New Outbound Data Source window appears.

  3. Type the name and description for outbound data source activity in the Name and Description respectively.
  4. Select the type of the schema, which is a process source outbound data, from the Schema Type drop-down list. This option is not applicable if you are creating non-EDI relationship.
  5. Select the schema from the Schema Name drop-down list. This option is not applicable if you are creating non-EDI relationship.

    To view the Routing Type options, you need to select XML Schema in the Schema Type and IDOC Schema type in the Schema Name drop-down list. The available options in the Routing Type are Simple and Expression.

    If you select Simple routing type then you need to select the application ID and splitter xPath.

    If you select Expression routing type then select the filter criteria corresponding to each Application Id to route the files based on the selected filter criteria.

  6. If you are using an XML file then define the namespace in the Namespace text box.
  7. Type the application Id in the Application ID / Identifier1 xPath text box. For sending EDI data, Application Id text box is used to determine the trading partner who will receive the EDI Message. In this text box, you can enter the name of the field of input data file (used for outbound processing), in case, the input file has records going to different trading partner. This text box should have a unique value across all the records in an input file that are sent to same trading partner. The value of this text box (of Input data file) must be specified in the Define Value of Outbound Relationship of the trading partner that will receive the data.

    In case of EDI, if the input file is other than XML, type the name of the field, not the xPath of the field. In case, the input data is an XML file, then define xPath of the field.
  8. In case, the source file has multiple roots, then define the xPath of the root that has message data in the Splitter xPath text box.

    Splitter xPath is applicable only when the source data has messages that are destined for multiple partners. 

  9. Click Save.

    Define Splitter xPath
    To understand how to define Splitter xPath, let's take an example of the XML file given below:

    As you can see in the above example, there are three root level elements: Header, Detail and Trailer. The Detail is the repeating record whereas Header and Trailer are common. Consider Root/Detail as splitterXpath. Consider the below figure displaying a sample Create Partner Identifier screen of Non-EDI data.

In case, any xPath expression has a namespace in it, you can declare the xPath prefix and URL in the Namespace text box as per xPath syntax.

For example :

declare namespace xq="http://xmlbeans.apache.org/samples/xquery/employees" 

In case of Non-EDI, you need to enter the xPath of the required field in the Identifier1 xPath and Intendifier2 xPath text box.

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