Creating Outbound Relationship for Non-EDI Data

Creating Outbound Relationship for Non-EDI Data

You can create an outbound relationship for each outbound message type and define the rules for processing an outbound message. This section helps you in creating an outbound relationship for Non-EDI data. 

To create a Non-EDI outbound relationship:

  1. Go to Develop > Solutions B2B Relationships

  2. Select the EDI Trading Partner for which you want to define an outbound relationship from the left menu and then click Outbound Relationship tab.


  3. Click Create New.


  4. Select Others(Non-EDI) and click Next.


  5. Type the name and description of the new outbound relationship in the Name and Description.
  6. Select the project from the Project for which you want to create a non-EDI outbound relationship.
  7. Select the format of the data receiving from the partner from the Sender Format Type.
  8. Provide the type of the outbound document in the Document Type.
  9. Provide the document version of the outbound document in the Document Version. 
  10. Select the type of event that you want to use to look up the outbound data from the Event Type. The supported event types are File, Database Event, Mail, JMS, and FTP.
  11. The list of events appears for the selected event type. Select the event from the Event Service. This is the event that you have configured to look up the outbound data.
  12. Select Decrypt Source File check box, if you want to decrypt an incoming encrypted EDI file and then select a decryption activity from the Data Security in order to decrypt the source file. 
  13. If you want to identify the partner based on the content then you need to define a partner identifier. The event and the Partner Identifier is the same for another trading partner also. To define partner Identifier, select Partner Identification Required check box.
  14. Select the partner identifier from the Partner Identifier. This option is enabled, if and only if, Partner Identification Required check box is selected. 

    Using Partner Identifier, you can define the XPath expression to filter the outbound data for information like Sender Id, Receiver ID, etc.

    You can define two XPath expressions in a Partner Identifier.

    You can select from an existing Partner Identifier or create a new one. For information on how to create a Partner Identifier, refer to Configuring Partner Identifier.

  15. Type the value of Identifier1 XPath and Identifier2 XPath (defined in selected Partner Identifier) in the Identifier1 value and Identifier2 value. This option is enabled, if and only if, Partner Identification Required check box is selected.
  16. Select the process flow to process the outbound data from the Process Flow.

    Ideally, you should select the default B2BI_Default as a process flow. In case you select another process flow, the logs will not be generated.

  17. Select the mode for processing Non-EDI file from the Processing Mode. The available options are Transform and Route.

    Transform: This option transforms and route all your Non-EDI files to Non-EDI and HL7 formats.
     Route: This option moves your Non-EDI file from one location to another.

  18. Select the mapping activity that you want to use to map the fields of outbound data with the fields of the target data from the Mapping.

    Mapping is only applicable if you select Transform as the Processing Mode.

  19. Select the target type from the Target Type. Depending upon the selection of the Processing Mode (Transform or Route), the target type options may differ.

  20. The list of services appears for the selected target type. Select the target activity from the Target Service.

    Steps 20 to 23 are applicable only for File and FTP Target types.
  21. Type the name of the target file in the File Name

    File Name can contain date-time stamp followed by % in the format: File_Name%%dd-mm-yy_hhmmssSS%%. For example, test_output%%01-01-2016_15-15-23%%.


  22. Select the format of the time stamp from Time Stamp Format drop-down lists of the time stamp format. This appends the selected date and time stamp in the name of the newly created file. 

    In case, you provide date-time stamp in the File Name and select the format from the Time Stamp Format then both time stamps will get appended to the target file name.
  23. Select Create Unique File check box, if you want each target file created by this activity must have a unique name. When this option is selected, a unique number is appended to the file name.
  24. Type the extension of the target file in the File Extension.
  25. Select Encrypt Target file check box to encrypt the target file and then select the encryption key to encrypt the file from the Data Security.

    Click here to know more about Data Security.
  26. Select Create Archive File check box to create an archive of the generated output file. This creates a direct copy of the generated output file in the Archive Target as mentioned in an inbound relationship for future access. You have two strategies to create an archive file:
    1. Default: For default strategy type, do the following:
      1. Provide the path to the archived file in the Archive Folder Name. Provide the folder path with the path provided in the abpm.solution.b2b.archive.basepath property (Administer > Update System Properties > Solution Properties > EDI Solution Properties > Default B2B Archiving Policy). 
      2. Select Auto Organised Archive Folder Based On Date check box to create folders in the format YYYY/MM/DD on the path specified in the Archive Folder Name.
      3. Select the time stamp in the Archive File Time Stamp.

    2. Create Target Activity: For this option, you can further select the Archive Service Type and Name.
    3. Select View Plain Text Archived File check box to view the encrypted files generated at the archival location in a plain text. This option appears if you have selected Encrypt Target File check box. 

  27. Select Send Error Notification check box to send the notification for any errors.

    If you select this option, you need to do some additional settings. For more information, refer to Receiving EDI Notification.

  28. Expand Advanced Properties.

    For information on Advanced Properties, refer to Changing Advanced Properties.
  29. Click Save. A message appears confirming your outbound relationship is created successfully.

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