Uninstalling the Adeptia Connect Rancher package
Here are the steps to uninstall all the components.
Before you follow the uninstallation steps, ensure that you have the same namespace (set in the general-config.yaml file) to which you want to perform the uninstall operation.
Log in to the Jumpbox.
Run the following command to execute the shell file, adeptia-connect.sh, available in the Adeptia Connect Rancher package:
$ sudo ./adeptia-connect.sh --tag=uninstall-all
If you are using encrypted vault-config.yaml file, you need to pass the argument --ask-vault-pass while executing the shell file as shown in the example below:
$ sudo ./adeptia-connect.sh --ask-vault-pass
This uninstalls all the components. If you want to install different components based on your requirement, you can use the tag argument while executing the shell file. For example, if you want to uninstall Adeptia Connect application only, run the following command:
$ sudo ./adeptia-connect.sh --tag=uninstall-ac