Getting started with Rancher

Getting started with Rancher

After the successful execution of the Adeptia Connect Rancher package, you will see the list of URLs on the screen to the application interfaces given in the following table.

The list of URLs differs based on what components you have deployed.

Application interface

Access credentials

Application interface

Access credentials

Rancher UI

Username: admin

Password: The one you have set for the property vault_rancher_gui_password in the vault-config.yaml file.

When you access Rancher UI for the first time, you will be prompted only to enter the Rancher UI password. The subsequent attempts to access the Rancher UI requires you to enter the username and the password both.

Grafana dashboard

Username: admin

Password: prom-operator

You can also configure Grafana to see metrices other than what have been provided in the default Grafana dashboard provided by Adeptia.

Kibana dashboard

Username: elastic

Password: The one you have set for the property vault_elastic_gui_password in the vault-config.yaml file.

To know how to view and download logs in Kibana, refer to this page.

Adeptia Connect

Username: admin

Password: indigo1


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